Celebration! The birth of their first child Masaki Suda and Nana Komatsu’s “pre-wedding life” at their super-mansion, Sugata returns home in long hair and a T-shirt. image | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Celebration! The birth of their first child Masaki Suda and Nana Komatsu’s “pre-wedding life” at their super-mansion, Sugata returns home in long hair and a T-shirt. image

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Masaki Suda returns home to the new house he moved into just before his wedding.

We are pleased to announce the birth of a new life in our family.

On March 9, Masaki Suda (31) and Nana Komatsu (28) reported the birth of their first child on their respective official websites. Following the opening words in a handwritten document,

《I am grateful for the many people who have supported us and allowed us to live our days in peace and tranquility. I hope you will continue to warmly watch over our family of three.

On the social networking service, she wrote her thoughts, “Recently, Nana Komatsu’s life has been going through a bit of a rough patch,

I was wondering if that was the reason why I haven’t seen Nana Komatsu recently.

I was surprised that she was pregnant! Surprise!

The two met when they were both in the same year at the same time. The two met back in 2003.

The first time they met was in 2003, when they co-starred in the films “Distraction Babies” and “The Drowning Knife” and hit it off. At first they were friends, but in the fall of ’19, they co-starred again in the double feature “Ito”. It is said that Sugata was attracted to Komatsu’s unpretentious personality and made a fierce attack on Komatsu, leading to their relationship.

(A source from an entertainment production company) The two married on November 15, 2009. FRIDAY” reported that the couple had moved into a new house just before their marriage and were living a “premarital life. We would like to look back on that time.

Sugata, who started his prenuptial life in a super-mansion, was wearing long hair, a T-shirt, and chinos ……

On a tropical night in August 2009, when the lingering summer heat was still intense, a cab pulled up in front of a low-rise condominium in a quiet residential area in the heart of Tokyo.

There were only a few households, and only foreign cars were parked in the contractor’s parking lot. The price for a condominium is up to 400 million yen, while a 2LDK apartment for rent costs 500,000-600,000 yen, making it a high-grade property that is out of reach for the average person.

A young man in a T-shirt and chinos, with long hair tied back behind his head, alighted in front of the apartment. He was wearing his favorite headphones and had his hands full of luggage as he walked home.

A woman’s weekly magazine had just reported that Mr. Sugata was driving a black one-box car to and from the theater. Just then, a women’s weekly magazine reported that Mr. Sugata had moved into the apartment of his girlfriend, Ms. Komatsu, and signed a contract for another room. It was right after an article appeared in a women’s weekly magazine that Mr. Sugata had moved into his girlfriend Komatsu’s apartment and was enjoying a date in the apartment. ‘So, does Komatsu-san live here too?’ But in fact, I have never seen her here before. ……” (a resident of the neighborhood)

According to “Josei Seven” (July 1 and 8, 2009 issue), Sugata, who is crazy about Komatsu and “doesn’t want to let her out of his sight,” has decided to get married. They ended their days of living in separate rooms in the same apartment and moved in together, but in fact, before this article was published and the “love nest” was surrounded by the entertainment media, Sugata had immediately moved to another apartment.

By starting to live together in a new apartment, the two had made great strides toward marriage.

After their marriage, Sugata took a five-month break from acting. The reason for this was reportedly “to prioritize newlywed life with Nana Komatsu,” but the truth was revealed in a December 9, 2010 broadcast of “news zero” (Nippon Television Network Corporation),

She said, “Mental exhaustion is invisible. (I was told that my parents had been killed (in a role). It’s a play, but it’s very damaging to the heart. It’s not like I’m reliving it, but (my heart) is broken or sprained in various places. And I feel like it’s simply a hospital visit.”

Sugata said that his heart was fatigued. He seems to have regained all his energy and is now leading a busy life, but we hope he will take a good rest for the sake of his beloved wife and children, and let us see his wonderful works again.

Nana Komatsu walks near her former “love nest. After co-starring in the movie “Ito”, she and Sugata started dating and moved in together after about a year.
In August 2009, the video “Masaki Suda and Nana Komatsu meet” was uploaded to Weibo, where it quickly went viral and received thousands of likes (now deleted).
Masaki Suda & Nana Komatsu at their ultra-luxury apartment.
Masaki Suda shows up at a radio station for a radio appearance after his marriage (March 18, ’22 issue).
Masaki Suda goes on a hectic late-night live radio broadcast after his marriage (March 18, 2010 issue).
Masaki Suda goes on a hectic late-night live radio broadcast after his marriage (March 18, 2010 issue).
Nana Komatsu heading to Korea to appear at a PR event last June (June 30, 2011 issue)
Nana Komatsu’s aura was amazing (June 30, 2011 issue)
Nana Komatsu a year and a half after her surprise marriage to Masaki Suda (June 30, 2011 issue)
Her outstanding style stood out at the airport (June 30, ’23 issue)
  • PHOTO. Hiroyuki Sato (1st and 4th), Shu Nishihara (2nd), Takayuki Ogawauchi (5th to 7th), Kumataro Arai (8th to 11th)

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