(Page 2) Filling out vending machine addresses? Pushing each other to pay transfer fees… “invoice panic” happening in the field one month after the start of the program. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Filling out vending machine addresses? Pushing each other to pay transfer fees… “invoice panic” happening in the field one month after the start of the program.

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Drinks bought from vending machines…enter the “address of the vending machine” where the drinks were purchased in the cashier’s ledger!

When Mr. Anji told this to the person in charge of the construction company that was supplying drinks to the carpenter, he was surprised and asked, “Do we have to do such a troublesome thing? He was surprised and said, “Do I have to go through such a hassle?

The “invoice call center” provided by the IRS, which he said he could not connect at all (from Government Internet Television).

Not only businesses, but even tax practitioners are not sure how to deal with the situation.

In the case of one of my advisory clients in the automobile sales industry, he decided that while an invoice is not required for purchases of cars from general consumers, an invoice would be required for purchases of cars used by businesses, but there is no Q&A for this on the IRS website. We also consulted with a major car manufacturer with whom we do business, but the manufacturer’s sales staff has not received any information down from the top, and the transaction is proceeding without anyone knowing the correct answer. Perhaps the transaction was not anticipated by the Ministry of Finance or the IRS.

Speaking of transactions that were not envisioned by the ministries and agencies, there is the “split invoice. Our organization of tax accountants sometimes orders box lunches for meetings, etc. If this were true, we would like each participant to issue an invoice for the cost of the box lunch, but many box lunch shops, perhaps because of the time and effort involved, only issue a single invoice for the entire group. The same is true when using restaurants, and I think this is another case where this was not anticipated,” said Norimitsu Takahashi.

There was a case in which a coin parking management company could not issue invoices even though it was an invoice-issuing business because it could not make the capital investment to make all ticketing machines invoice-compliant.

When we contacted the coin parking companies, they agreed to issue an invoice each time if we contacted them, but considering the time and effort required to call and get an invoice each time for a parking fee of about 200 yen per time, many advisory companies gave up,” said Mr. Anji.

When Mr. Anji later inquired with the National Tax Agency about what to do “when a non-invoice invoice is issued even though the company is an invoice-issuing business,” they replied that “transitional measures are applied and 80% of the purchase tax credit is possible.

‘ “Shouldn’t this case be included in the Q&A?” I told them, but the IRS said, ‘It is difficult to do so because we do not assume that businesses that can issue invoices will not issue invoices. I think that the voices of those in the field, who are being confronted with cases beyond their imagination, should be reflected as soon as possible. ……” (Mr. Anji)

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