Filling out vending machine addresses? Pushing each other to pay transfer fees… “invoice panic” happening in the field one month after the start of the program. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Filling out vending machine addresses? Pushing each other to pay transfer fees… “invoice panic” happening in the field one month after the start of the program.

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The many screams that come to the tax accountant

Why do I have to spend so much of my heart and time on a system that benefits no one? I feel nothing but anger and emptiness.”

According to a survey conducted by Teikoku Databank in mid-October, more than 60% of companies answered that they are “coping well” with the invoice system, while more than 90% of companies answered that they are “concerned” about the increased workload. What are the “concerns” surrounding the “invoice” with a 13-digit registration number starting with “T”?

We interviewed four tax accountants who are on the front lines of invoice handling and two who have reported to the Fair Trade Commission about the “invoice panic” that is occurring on the frontlines.

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida stated “We are not thinking of abolishing the invoice system” during a representative question in the House of Councillors on October 25 (PHOTO: AFLO).
  • [Roundtable Discussion Participants
  • Mr. Ryuichi Yamada, Chairperson of the National Federation of Young Certified Public Tax Accountants’ Associations Invoice System Measures Committee and former President of the Federation
  • Mr. Norimitsu Takahashi, Director of the present law measures department of the Federation
  • Kazumasa Saeki, Representative Partner, Tokyo Nanbu Accounting Tax Corporation
  • Mr. Anji, Certified Public Accountant, licensed tax accountant, and voice actor
  • Young voice actor Mr. A
  • Veteran voice actor Mr. B

The invoice call center provided by the IRS does not connect at all.

The qualification I obtained is that of a CPA, not an “invoice advisor. ……

This is the lament of Mr. Anji, a certified public accountant, licensed tax accountant, and voice actor. At the accounting firm where Mr. Anji works, the number of consultations from clients has increased rapidly since the start of the system. He says that his time disappears in the blink of an eye, as he is asked for advice on management policies, such as , “When dealing with businesses that do not receive invoices, do we have no choice but to ask the other party to lower the price?

Although we have been informing our clients about the system even before it was introduced, many of them are still unable to make up their minds about the policy. I can’t help it if I say that my main business is tax consultation services, but I feel that business owners are wasting their time on unnecessary work beyond their imagination,” said Mr. Anji.

The result of the combination of a serious attitude that “the system must be strictly enforced” and a cumbersome system is a tremendous administrative burden on the front lines.

Frankly speaking, I don’t think the administrative burden can be simply described as a “paperwork burden. The increased administrative burden caused by the invoice system is only a hassle and does not bring in any revenue.

Even so, those who can still consult with a tax accountant are the lucky ones, and many small businesses have no connections with specialists. That said, I have heard that the invoice call center provided by the IRS is not connected at all,” said Mr. Anji.

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