Johnny’s’s” former environment minister’s accusation reveals the “naive” attitude of the former Johnny’s’s office toward the problem of sexual assault.
Aren’t they being too lenient……”
A number of such voices have been voiced over SMILE-UP.(former Johnny’s office).
In an interview with Kyodo News, Ichiro Kamoshita, former environment minister and psychosomatic medicine doctor, who supervises the “Psychological Care Counseling Room,” an external organization set up at the end of May for victims of the sexual assault by the late Janie Kitagawa, revealed that the agency told him that the counseling room would be open for one year. Kamoshita said.
“It is not a simple matter that can be separated by just one year,” Kamoshita said.
Kamoshita continued, “It is not an easy thing that can be separated by a year. He continued
Some of the victims have been seriously traumatized. It is really serious.
He pointed out that
“Some of them have symptoms that need to be properly diagnosed and given a name.
SMILE is a company that
SMILE has stated that it is “beyond the law” to compensate victims of sexual assault, and as of October 2, there were 478 victims who reported being harmed and 325 who are seeking compensation.
The number is still increasing,” the official said.
The number of victims who have requested compensation is “still increasing,” according to a source close to the matter. Compensation work will begin in earnest in mid-November, but in addition to the financial aspect, psychological care will also be important.
Some people still have flashbacks of Janney’s sexual assaults and experience hyperventilation and panic symptoms. This is not a problem that can be solved in just one year. Permanent compensation must also be taken into consideration.