(Page 2) Can DOCOMO, which was late to the game, turn things around?… “New NISA” accounts wanted even if they are prepared to lose money. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Can DOCOMO, which was late to the game, turn things around?… “New NISA” accounts wanted even if they are prepared to lose money.

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The “New NISA” account will be the growth engine of the economic sphere.

However, simply acquiring accounts and keeping the funds in place will not bring any real benefits. Each online brokerage firm offers services that are almost redundant in the short term, such as “Kureka Savings,” which allows customers to accumulate mutual funds using credit card payments. In addition, there are no commissions on the purchase of mutual funds, and SBI Securities and Rakuten Securities as well as NISA offer no commissions on the purchase and sale of domestic stocks. There is no “earning power.

However, the immediate income from commissions is not important. The new NISA will make the system permanent, and the tax exemption period will be indefinite. As a result, the new NISA will be able to handle not only retirement funds, but also education funds, home ownership funds, and various other life event expenses. Specifically, it is envisioned that the individual will be able to use the savings account to fund retirement and the growth account to fund life events.

For example, suppose an individual sells stocks or mutual funds purchased in the growth investment line. If the proceeds from the sale of such funds are made available to the economic sphere, it would greatly contribute to the growth of the economic sphere. Since the investment quota can be reused, the transaction can be repeated as many times as necessary. Hopefully, each time this happens, individual money will be supplied to the economic zone.

In other words, the new NISA account will function as a terminal to deposit the inflows and outflows of individual money. This is the background that this is an indispensable element for gaining supremacy in the race for the economic sphere.

The photo shows the press conference held on October 4, “Investment Day,” to announce the capital and business alliance with NTT DOCOMO and Monex G.

What will happen to the services of the “New Monex, Inc.

Docomo Monex Holdings, which will be established through the capital alliance, is scheduled to be officially launched on January 4, ’24. However, the announcement of specific services will likely be made before that date. This is because applications for opening new NISA accounts have already begun this past October. If they take too much time, they will flow to other companies.

Was Monex’s “campaign” a sign of a capital tie-up?

In the meantime, emergency measures have been taken. A week before the capital tie-up was announced, Monex announced a campaign for the new NISA, which was to increase the point reward rate for credit card savings in the NISA account. The campaign offers 2.2% of the amount saved for those who open a new account, and 1.5% for those who already have a NISA account, a significant increase from the previous 1.1%. However, both rates of return are limited to the end of September 2012.

When I saw this campaign, I honestly thought it was a bit half-hearted. I thought that if it was until the end of September 2012, some people would use the New NISA with Monex until then and change their accounts to other companies in October. The amount of savings invested in the new NISA can be transferred to other companies.

However, at least at this point, the capital tie-up with DoCoMo had probably been officially decided internally. It was a perfect “stopgap” campaign. If they had been a bit more clever, they might have ended up forming a tie-up with Docomo (a missed opportunity to make a profit. ……).

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