Former officer gives shocking testimony that “we recovered something not human”…U.S. “began to smell the existence of UFOs” Reason for the shudder
(Congressman) “Do you believe that the crashed spacecraft and the body of the pilot who was flying this aircraft are still out there somewhere?”
(Former Air Force officer) “Yes. Those recovered items included some biological material.”
(Are these biological objects human or non-human?
(Former Air Force officer) “The assessment was that they were not human.”
This was the exchange at a hearing on UFOs (unidentified flying objects) held in the U.S. House of Representatives in late July.
Three people answered questions, including former Air Force intelligence officer David Gruosch and a person involved in analysis at the U.S. intelligence community. They claimed that the U.S. government is conducting a top-secret UFO recovery program and is in possession of several spacecraft built by non-humans and the remains of the non-human life forms that were piloting them.
The fact that a military commander and others have so brazenly admitted the existence of aliens in an official congressional forum has caused quite a stir,” said a Washington-based reporter for a national newspaper.
3 to 9 km above the sky at a speed of Mach 2
In an interview with the French media, Mr. Gruosch claimed that he had received information from people who were implementing the government’s UFO recovery plan, and that UFOs could be coming from another dimension. He criticized government agencies for hiding information from the public.
There is also a new development. The U.S. Department of Defense announced on August 31 On August 31 On August 31, the U.S. Department of Defense launched the “Global Anomalies Office,” a website that discloses information on UFOs ( The U.S. Department of Defense launched a new website, the “Global Anomalies Office” (). The website is designed to provide scientific analysis by posting materials on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) and videos of UFO The website is said to provide scientific analysis by posting materials on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs), videos of encounters with UFOs, and other information.
The website states, “The characteristic UFOs are circular in shape and 1 to 4 meters in size. The site says, “The characteristic UFOs are circular, 1 to 4 meters in diameter, white, silver, or translucent. The color is white, silver, or translucent. 3 to 9 km above the ground. km above the earth’s surface at a speed of Mach 2. Some videos of encounters with UFOs have been confirmed as airplanes, while images captured by U.S. Navy aircraft are listed as “unresolved.
What is the purpose of the U.S. in daring to arouse interest in UFOs? Journalist Keiichi Iwashita, who is familiar with the activities of the U.S. government, explains.
The “Office of All-Area Anomalies,” which has been set up, is soliciting information on UAPs from a wide range of government officials, current and retired military personnel, and others. It is said that many military pilots do not report sightings of UFOs because they would be transferred to ground duty if they inadvertently slip up and say they have encountered one. The government probably does not have sufficient information either.
At this point, the Pentagon denies extraterrestrial life. However, either denial or affirmation requires more detailed analysis. I think we can say that the Pentagon has begun to seriously collect the information that will serve as the basis for such an analysis.
Aliens have already come to Earth. The events related to UFOs, which until now have been dismissed as “occult,” may come to light in the near future as the truth backed by clear evidence.
Interview and text by Masayoshi Katayama: Masayoshi Katayama
PHOTO: Jiji Press