The “commonalities” between Mrs. Davy and Tatsuro Yamashita, who was in hot water for “defending” Mr. Janney Kitagawa.

On July 18, Mrs. Davy (83), who has been under fire over the issue of sexual assault by Johnny’s’s founder, Mr. Kitagawa, updated her Twitter page and wrote
“Mr. Janney has led the Japanese entertainment industry for half a century, nurtured stars, and entertained and enthralled tens of millions of people with his extraordinary talent,” she praised.
and praised him for his “extraordinary talent. On top of that
The current trend is a desecration of the great Mr. Janney’s memorial service and a disgrace to Japan.
Since Mr. Janney’s death, there have been people who have come forward to claim that they too have been victimized. Isn’t this flogging the dead?
The former Jr. In response to Noriyuki Higashiyama, who described the former Jr. members who complained of damage as “courageous statements,” he said
He also criticized Noriyuki Higashiyama, who described the former Jr.
The Internet was furiously critical of him.
This was taken as a “defense” of Mr. Janney on the Internet, and Mrs. Davy was in hot water. Finally, former Johnny’s Jr. member Cowan Okamoto, who had accused her of sexual assault, took to Twitter and wrote
I don’t mean to erase all of Mr. Janney’s achievements. But it is extremely unfair to perform sexual acts on a child who has yet to understand anything about sexuality, no matter how much you love him.
He continued. He continued
The incident is not something that can be confided in easily. Even if I had the courage to tell you, people like you would deny it. Most people suffer because they cannot say anything for the rest of their lives.
He asked for their understanding.
Cowan also mentioned the “relationship” between Mr. Janney and Mrs. Davy.
One thing I want to say is that Mr. Janney used to talk about Mrs. Devi, too. He often received gifts from Mrs. Devi at home. I heard that they have been deep friends for a long time.
I heard that he was a deep friend from long ago,” she revealed.
This composition is similar to the flame wars of singer/songwriter Tatsuro Yamashita (70).
Yamashita’s agency, Smile Company, terminated the contract of music producer Kiyoshi Matsuo, and it is said that Matsuo’s criticism of Johnny’s sexual assault was behind the termination.
Yamashita accepted Matsuo’s departure from the office, and in a radio program broadcast on August 9, he mentioned Mr. Janney, saying, “Mr. Janney has nurtured a lot of young musicians.
In a radio program broadcast on August 9, Yamashita also referred to Mr. Janney, saying, “The many talents that Mr. Janney has nurtured have warmed the hearts of so many people in postwar Japan, made them happy, and given them dreams. I am truly indebted to him for giving me the opportunity to be associated with such wonderful talents and musicians, and to create works that will be sung long beyond the times.
I am truly indebted to them for giving me this opportunity. And
I believe that it is one thing for me as an individual and a musician to remember my debt to Mr. Janney and to recognize his talent as a producer, and quite another to condone sexual assault in a social and ethical sense.
He went on to say.
Yamashita has provided songs for Kondo Masahiko, KinKi Kids, and others, and has a close family relationship with Mr. Janney. A person involved in the music industry said, “I respect Mr. Janney, but at the same time
Yamashita respects Mr. Janney, but he was also an important business partner. The compensation from Johnny’s was more than 1 billion yen. We still have a good relationship with him. It is impossible to say anything bad about him.
Mrs. Davi also said that Mr. Janney was a good friend and business partner of hers.
Mrs. Davy is also a close friend of Mr. Janney, and they give each other gifts.
Looking at the recent turmoil, those who have been close to Mr. Janney for a long time and have a common interest with him are generally following his lead. Some people on the Internet have dismissed them as “old men,” but both Mrs. Davy and Yamashita are “completely unfazed” (by the relationship).
“Neither Mrs. Davy nor Mr. Yamashita seem to be upset at all,” said a person related to the project.
It seems that neither Mrs. Davy nor Yamashita are “at all perturbed” by the situation.
In the entertainment world, Mr. Janney’s name is taboo, and now it is difficult to talk about memories that have nothing to do with sexual assault. Mrs. Dewey and Yamashita have challenged this trend, but they have been met with a public outcry. ……
It seems that the series of disturbances are far from being settled.