(Page 2) In a black skirt that accentuates her beautiful legs…South Korea’s First Lady “chatting with First Lady Zelensky” in a beautiful diplomatic photo. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

In a black skirt that accentuates her beautiful legs…South Korea’s First Lady “chatting with First Lady Zelensky” in a beautiful diplomatic photo.

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President and Mrs. Yun welcome Mrs. Zelensky to the presidential office (PHTO: South Korea Presidential Office/AP/Afro)
Meditating with Prime Minister Yuko Kishida’s wife at a famous temple in Seoul
Entertaining Mrs. Yuko with tea
Yuko and Kishida had a lively discussion about Japan-Korea culture and sports.
Hand in hand with President Yun to a dinner in the U.S.
With Mrs. Biden, whom he affectionately calls “my friend
The event became popular in the U.S., with leading newspapers running special features on the event.
President Yun and Mrs. Yun receiving a warm welcome in the U.S.
  • PHOTO. South Korea Presidential Office/AP/Afro Reuters/Afro

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