Former police sergeant sexually assaulted a girl under 13 years old by covering her mouth and threatening to kill her.
He said, “My daughter, who has only lived for about 10 years, will have to bear the pain for the rest of her life. If possible, I hope she stays in prison for the rest of his life.”
At the trial, the mother of the girl read a statement of her opinion to the court by her attorney.
On March 20, the Matsudo branch of the Chiba District Court sentenced Tokuyuki Kobayashi, 39, to four years and four months in prison for indecent assault of a girl under 13. Kobayashi is a former police sergeant in the Public Safety Department of the Metropolitan Police Department. The judge explained the reason for the sentence as follows.
The defendant assaulted the girl in the elevator by covering her mouth and threatening to kill her. As a police officer, he is in a position to protect the public and deserves strong condemnation.
FRIDAY Digital reported on this indecent incident in detail in an article distributed last November 2. We would like to recount the unforgivable crime committed by the former police sergeant (some parts of the article have been corrected).
After the incident, he continued to work as usual for six months.

On October 31 last year, Chiba Prefectural Police arrested Kobayashi, a former police sergeant with the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, for sexually assaulting a girl under the age of 13 living in the prefecture. The incident occurred shortly after 3:30 p.m. on May 4 during Golden Week.
Kobayashi and Ms. A apparently did not know each other. He saw her on the street and went to her house. I saw him on the street and followed her to her house. He then entered the apartment building where Ms. A lived. He threatened her in the elevator, telling her not to make a fuss, and sexually assaulted her in an outdoor space for nearly an hour.
Ms. A filed a damage report with her mother at a nearby police box on the same day. Based on security camera footage and DNA analysis, the defendant Kobayashi emerged in the line of investigation.
On the day of the incident, Kobayashi was off duty. Kobayashi had been with the company for about 15 years and had never had any major problems at work. What is surprising is that he went to work at the Public Safety Department as usual after the incident. That is, for nearly half a year before he was arrested. When investigated, Kobayashi denied the charges.
Former Kanagawa Prefectural Police detective and crime journalist Taihei Ogawa explained the background behind the sexual incident involving a police officer.
“ Kobayashi must have been an excellent person who could do his job. He belonged to the Public Safety Department, which is considered an elite group within the police force. However, it is unthinkable that he would commit a sexual act outdoors. Normally, they would take the victim to an unoccupied room or other location to avoid the eyes of others. The audacious manner in which he committed the crime suggests that he may have committed additional crimes.”
The Matsudo branch of the Chiba District Court declared Kobayashi’s actions to be “as malicious as a street ripper. The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department dismissed the defendant from the police force last December.

PHOTO.: Shinji Hasuo