Since “The Secret Kenmin Show” reminds us of the incident… This is how the TV world saw the EXIT Kaneko & Luffy incident
Serialization Staff saw it! Weekly "The other side of TV" Inside story of Television
Following the arrest of a member of a large-scale special fraud group led by a man calling himself Luffy, the past of Daiki Kanekika (31) of the comedy duo “EXIT” has been rehashed and is attracting attention.

In 2007, Shukan Bunshun reported that Kanekon had been arrested for violation of the Anti-Prostitution Law and theft prior to his debut, and that his companion in the theft case was a man named “Luffy,” Yuuki Watanabe (38). Kanekon himself admitted to the incident, and the Yves Saint Laurent Beauté event at which he was scheduled to appear was canceled, and a video of a cup noodle commercial in which he appeared was deleted from the website.
However, many in the TV industry are sympathetic to Kanekon, partly because the incident occurred before his debut, and partly because Kanekon himself has been reflecting on his past and tweeted, “I thought I should tell you what only I can tell you.
He also tweeted, “There are many people in the entertainment industry who have been arrested for crimes in the past or who grew up in a complicated environment. Many people on the production side seem to think that there is no problem if Kanekika has been rehabilitated. This time, however, Kanekika’s criminal record came under close scrutiny, and his outbursts in the past (which he denied) were unearthed and spread on social networking sites. Some sponsors, who value image, are of the opinion that they should refrain from using Kanekika, no matter how much the matter has already ended. On the other hand, some sponsors are reconsidering Kaneka, saying that it is amazing that his enthusiastic fans, especially young women, have not left him even though his past has been exposed so publicly.
Although there has been no major impact, “minor NGs have started to appear,” says a director of a production company.
Both Kanekika and Watanabe are from Hokkaido. The director of a production company said, “Both Kanekika and the suspect Watanabe are from Hokkaido, and it was deemed ‘reminiscent of the incident’ to use them as representatives of Hokkaido in a program such as ‘The Secret Kenmin Show’ (NTV), so NG was raised at casting meetings. Until the incident fades away, I think it will be tough to use her in any Hokkaido-related programs or events.
Some people are saying, “If there is one more news report about the crime, it will be the end.
The current popularity and support of the fans have led many stations and sponsors to give him the benefit of the doubt. However, if another incident were to be linked to Kanekika’s past, they would be afraid to use him again. That’s what we, the producers, really want to do,” said a producer at a key station.
Some are concerned about the position of “EXIT” itself.
Kanekika is 31 years old, and his partner, Rintaro, is 31 years old. Kanekika is 31 and his partner Rintaro is 37. Rintaro, his partner, is 37. Rintaro, his partner, is 37 years old and has reached the age when he can be called a middle-aged man. Up until now, even if they were cocky or rude, they were forgiven because they were young, but now that they are in their 40s, it could be perceived as power harassment. Considering the recent incident, he is not a clean person, and unless he makes a good shift in his character, it will be difficult for him to survive.
If he doesn’t face up to this, his signature gag, “Here we go,” is not going to work.
From the March 24, 2023 issue of FRIDAY
PHOTO.: Yuri Adachi