The reason why eminent figures such as Seiji Takayama, the young leader of the Yamaguchigumi VI and Masahiro Nouchi, the young leader of the Kodokai, attended the meeting…and why they appeared “in the suburbs of Nagoya”.
A funeral home in the suburbs of Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, was enveloped in a somber atmosphere.
In the early afternoon of March 5, strong men who did not fit the tranquil scenery gathered one after another at the funeral home. Several plainclothes police officers from the Aichi Prefectural Police patrolled the area with video cameras and other equipment, creating an unusual atmosphere.
Tsukasa Kogyo is an organization with deep ties to the Yamaguchigumi VI, having been founded in the 1960s by its leader, Shinobu Tsukasa, and elevated to a secondary organization of the VI in 2003. As its number two, Mr. Kajita had a great influence in the Tokai region; he made great achievements in the “Nagoya War” between the Kodokai and local gang forces in the early 1990s, and has been a central figure and presence in the Tsukasa Kogyo ever since. He was trusted by the gang members, and was called the “general commander” because he always took the lead.
The funeral service, attended by Tsukasa Kogyo boss Kenji Mori and Kodokai leader Masahiro Nouchi, was held from 1:30 p.m. and ended before 2:30 p.m. without major problems. As was typical of Mr. Kajita, who was known as a martial artist, the theme of love from the movie “The Godfather” was playing at the ceremony,” said a source who attended the ceremony.
At the wake held the day before the ceremony, Seiji Takayama, the vice president of the Yamaguchigumi VI, and Shomei Takeuchi, the assistant vice president, also attended the ceremony. Other prominent figures such as the heads and chairpersons of the five Yamaguchigumi affiliated organizations were also in attendance. In addition, a total of 300 people attended the two-day event.
Is there a possibility of a change in the situation in the Tokai region following Kajita’s death? Journalist Shunichi Narita, who is well versed in the gang situation, explains.
Tsukasa Kogyo is a direct affiliate of the Yamaguchigumi VI. Mr. Kajita’s death is significant, but it will not shake the strength of the organization. In fact, his death has even strengthened our unity.
The funeral marked a turning point in the history of the Tokai region. Hopefully, the days will continue to be uneventful and peaceful. ……
PHOTO: Masahiro Kawayanagi