Surprising Prefecture with the Highest Rate of Overeating & Sleeping Well, as Read by Genes
Are the birthplaces with many “overeaters” in the western Japan area by the Sea of Japan?
Birthplace with many gene types with a high tendency to overeat,” “Prefecture with many gene types that sleep well,” “Prefecture with many gene types that are strong in alcohol “… Euglena Co., Ltd. announces unique rankings based on genome data from its genetic analysis service “Euglena My Health.
According to this data, 24.26% of people born in Yamanashi Prefecture, or about one in four, have a high tendency to overeat, while 72.42% of people born in Nara Prefecture, or about three in four, sleep well The reason why this is so is because the people of Nara Prefecture have a high propensity to overeat.
How do they know this?
Based on the research papers, we have analyzed our genes and found that the number of people who sleep well is about one in four, which is the same as the number of people who sleep well in Japan,” said Mr. Kato. Based on these research papers, we compare the test results of those who have used our genetic analysis service and come up with a ranking.
said Osamu Iwata, Director of Euglena My Health at Euglena Co.
For example, the gene “SNP: rs1726866” has the ability to control one’s appetite, and if the genotype is TT, the person has a “high tendency to overeat,” if the genotype is CT, the person has a “general tendency to overeat,” and if the genotype is CC, the person has a “low tendency to overeat.
Euglena My Health, a genetic analysis service provided by Euglena Co., can tell, with just 2㎖ of saliva, the susceptibility to more than 100 diseases such as hypertension, stroke, and cerebral aneurysm, as well as what to watch out for in terms of nutrition and eating habits, suitable exercise and diet, and body constitution, etc. The system also provides information on nutrition and eating habits, suitable exercise and diet, and body constitution.
Among them are items such as “the ability to smell asparagus in urine” and “carrot intake frequency andBMI, ” which looks at whether eating more carrots will help you lose weight. Someone is doing such research.
‘Humans are born with a variety of genetic information. The length of their 30 billion base pairs. Of these99.9 percent are all the same.0.The remaining 1% is what makes the difference. The remaining 1% is responsible for various differences, such as facial features and physical characteristics,” said Osamu Iwata.
Prefectures with many “coffee-loving genotypes” have many coffee shops.
But why is it that there are so many people from Nara Prefecture who sleep soundly and so many people from Yamanashi Prefecture who overeat?
Some reasons are analogous and some are not. We do not know why the gene type that sleeps well is more common in Nara Prefecture or why the gene type that overeats is more common among people from Yamanashi Prefecture.
However, to some extent, we can make an analogy as to why those who have the “alcohol-resistant gene type” are mostly from the Tohoku region and less so from the Chubu region.
The reason is that the people who originally lived in Japan were all strong drinkers, but those who were weak drinkers moved here from the continent. Therefore, it is thought that people from regions that have had more interaction with people who came from the continent are less likely to drink alcohol.
What is interesting is that the rankings of prefectures for the “gene type strong in alcohol” and the “gene type that eats a lot of fish” are almost identical.
Genes related to alcohol and genes related to fish are close to each other, and people who are strong drinkers usually have the gene for eating a lot of fish.
It’s a strange thing.
Perhaps it is a genetic mechanism, but Aichi, Fukui, and Gifu prefectures are among the top 10 prefectures with the most “coffee-loving gene types,” and are also among the top 10 prefectures with the most coffee shops per 10,000 people. Perhaps the coffee-loving genes are craving coffee shops.
Genetic analysis is like a weather forecast
To begin with, the reason we are publishing these prefectural rankings is because we wanted people to be interested in genetic analysis. If you know what kind of genes you have, you can make use of them in your daily life,” Iwata says.
For example, in my case, I was found to be prone to vitamin D deficiency. For example, I was found to be prone to vitamin D deficiency, so I now actively consume shiitake mushrooms and salmon, which contain high levels of vitamin D.”
The genetic type can also tell you how to make dieting more effective.
For example, if a person has poor lipid metabolism, it is more effective to restrict lipid, and if a person has poor carbohydrate metabolism, it is more effective to restrict carbohydrate. You can use it that way.”
However, what is most interesting about the genotype is the “susceptibility to disease. If you have a gene type that says you are prone to diabetes, is it certain that you will develop diabetes?
Not everything is determined by genes. Genetics determines about 30%. The other 70% is determined by the environment.
Even if you have a gene that predisposes you to diabetes, you can prevent it if you pay attention to your diet and continue to exercise moderately. On the other hand, even if you do not have a gene that predisposes you to diabetes, you can still get the disease if you are a binge eater and lead an inactive lifestyle.
The genetic type can also tell whether you are a morning person or a night person, and Mr. Iwata’s test results show that he is a “night person.
But I myself work better in the morning. My family members are all early risers, and getting up early has been a habit since I was a child. I think my environment has made me a morning person.
Even if you have a genetic type that allows you to sleep well, if you are under a lot of stress, it can be difficult to get a good night’s sleep.
Genetic analysis is like a weather forecast. When there is a forecast of rain, you take an umbrella with you. In the same way, if we know that a person is prone to a certain disease, we can prevent it. In the future, we would like to collaborate with experts in dementia prevention to provide information on the risks of dementia and measures to prevent it.
You may think you know, but in fact you don’t know much about yourself. Knowing your genetic type may help you understand yourself.
Interview and text: Izumi Nakagawa