Yuya Tegoshi: “Not Positive” Block Festival over Takizawa’s Twitter | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Yuya Tegoshi: “Not Positive” Block Festival over Takizawa’s Twitter

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Yuya Tegoshi has been independent from Johnny’s s office for 20 years. He got involved in the Twitter account of Hideaki Takizawa, who also became independent…

Yuya Tegoshi, a TV personality and YouTube star, is in an uproar over a Twitter account supposedly opened by Hideaki Takizawa, who left Johnny’s at the end of October.

As of November 9, Takizawa’s account has over 2 million followers and no accounts that he follows. In his profile column, he writes “Hideaki Takizawa Takizawa” and calls himself an “adventurer.

The fact that the number of followers has exploded so much in just a few days makes it extremely noteworthy.

When “quit janis” such as Jin Akanishi, Tomohisa Yamashita, and Ryo Nishikido tweeted at Takizawa, Takizawa retweeted their tweets.

Then, Tekashi, another “quitting jani,” tweeted to Takizawa with a Mention.

I am a reliable senior member who has given me all kinds of advice and taken me under advisement.

However, unlike the other “quitting jani” members, Takizawa seemed to “initially” ignore Tegoshi’s tweet.

“Mr. Tekashi was following Mr. Takizawa, but it seems that he felt “ignored” and unfollowed him. Perhaps he wanted to show that they did not get along, but his pride was hurt when he was ignored…” (Women’s magazine reporter)

In other words, Tekashi followed Takizawa on Twitter and tweeted. However, when Takizawa seemed to have gone through with it, he canceled his follow-up.

This series of actions amused the general public, who tweeted “teasing” content at Tekashi. The Internet became a bit of a “festival.

I’m sure he was shocked that only Tekashi didn’t respond to his tweet, and I’m sure he was so shocked that he unfollowed me, but now he’s being exposed in a newspaper article with this huge correlation chart.

When he teased that a sports newspaper had reported with an illustration that only Tekashi had not been retweeted, Tekashi seemed to have “ego searched” and blocked the general user who had sent the tweet.

After that, Tekashi blocked the accounts that “tinkered with tweets” one after another. A search on Twitter for the phrase “block Tekashi blocked” turned up numerous reports of people being blocked by Tekashi.

The “Tekashi block festival” was called, and the Internet was abuzz with reports of people being “blocked by Tekashi. On his Twitter profile page, Tekashi wrote, “Tay! I am super positive person, Yuya Tegoshi! He is a super positive person, Yuya Tegoshi!” on his Twitter profile, but he is being teased further on the Internet for being “not positive at all, but very sensitive. (A reporter from a sports newspaper).

However, it is unclear whether Mr. Takizawa really did intentionally ignore it. Takizawa seems to have no idea how to use Twitter, writing comments in his profile box, pasting images upside down, and other such “beginner-like” behavior.

After Tekashi unfollowed him, Takizawa “liked” Tekashi’s aforementioned tweet. Other quit-janis retweeted the tweet, so there may be a slight disparity between the “like” and the “like,” but he did not ignore it…

I wonder if this will help Tekashi, who is a super positive person, to get back in a good mood.

  • PHOTO Yuri Adachi

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