Anzu’s decision to move to France was more shocking than her mother’s affair with Masahiro Higashide | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Anzu’s decision to move to France was more shocking than her mother’s affair with Masahiro Higashide

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Anzu is currently raising 5-year-old twin girls and a 4-year-old boy on her own. She has expressed her desire to move to France. ……

On October 14, actress Anne attended the “French Film Festival 2021 Yokohama” held at the French Embassy in Tokyo. A reporter asked her.

“Do you want to live in France?

She replied, “Yes.

“Yes, I do.

When a reporter asked her if she would like to live in France, she replied, “Yes, I would.

“In the past, she has expressed her desire to move to France in a TV program. She also mentioned that she has been taking online French conversation lessons, which shows how serious she is about it,” said a sports journalist.

Speaking of Anne, her husband Masahiro Higashide was reported to have had an affair with Erika Karada in January last year, and they divorced.

In early October, Higashide invited a beautiful half-breed woman in her twenties to a location and “stayed over” at a hotel in Hiroshima Prefecture, as reported in the Shukan Bunshun.

“The office executives were furious at the fact that she was accompanied by her boyfriend to the shooting site of an unreleased film and that it was a Corona disaster. It seems that the people in the film industry, who have been looking out for Higashide, are getting tired of his laxity,” said a wide show insider.

Her contract was cancelled due to the affair, and the penalty is said to be 200 million yen. It is said that the agency is covering some of the costs, but there have been reports that she is “broke” and that she is paying 10,000 yen a month in child support for her children, which has drawn criticism.

However, it seems that it is not only her ex-husband’s “bad womanizing” or lack of money that makes Anzu think about “moving to France”. It seems that her ex-husband’s “bad habits with women” and “lack of money” are not the only reasons why she is thinking about moving to France, but there is a “flesh and bone struggle” that has cast a dark shadow over her.

“Although it was not widely reported due to Higashide’s affair, she was involved in a bogus court case where her own mother demanded 1.2 billion yen from her at about the same time. She had set up a private office to save taxes, with her own mother as the president and Anzu as an employee who was paid a salary.

However, her salary was gradually decreasing, and when she became suspicious and investigated, she found out that a large amount of consulting fees were being paid to a psychic who her mother was fascinated by. Her own mother, unhappy with this, sued her for 1.2 billion yen, which would have been paid to her office for the next 20 years.

The relationship between Anzu and her mother was so close that they were said to be “identical”. In the divorce trial against her father, Ken Watanabe, she ultimately sided with her mother.

Her mother’s debts were said to be several hundred million yen at the time, but it is a well-known story that Anzu dropped out of high school and worked as a model to pay them off.

“The trial, which lasted for three years, was settled in the form of a settlement. The court case, which lasted for three years, was settled in the form of a settlement, but the damage to Anne must have been even greater than Higashide’s infidelity.

One of the main reasons why she is so eager to move to France is probably due to the relationship between her mother and child. If her relationship with her mother had been as good as it was in the past, I don’t think she would have even considered leaving Japan.

She was “betrayed” by her husband and even her own mother, but we will continue to watch her live strongly as a mother with her three young children.

  • PHOTO Yuri Adachi

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