Kyoko Fukada’s comeback from “Adjustment Disorder” and how she showed her “true self” only to those in the know | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Kyoko Fukada’s comeback from “Adjustment Disorder” and how she showed her “true self” only to those in the know

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“Kyoko Fukada returns to work after taking a break due to “adjustment disorder. Some say it was too soon…

On September 2, Kyoko Fukada announced on her Instagram that she was resuming her career after a three-month break due to a diagnosis of “adjustment disorder.

It may be a small step at the beginning, but step by step, without forgetting to thank everyone, I hope to be able to work in a way that encourages someone or makes them feel cheerful, just like I did.

These were the words of Fukada, who has a strong sense of responsibility towards her work and cares about her fans.

Then, on September 27th, she appeared in a white one-piece dress at the stage greeting for the movie “Lupin’s Daughter the Movie,” her first public appearance since her return. She appeared in a white one-piece dress at the stage greeting for the movie “Lupin’s Daughter the Movie,” her first public appearance since her return on September 27, smiling and waving to the fans.

“Many fans congratulated her on her return. However, on the other hand, she looked a little thinner than before she took a break, and some people on SNS asked her if she should take some more time off. (Wide show insider).

On October 6, Fukada appeared live as a guest in “2021 FNS Utah Matsuri Autumn” (Fuji Television Network). On October 6, she appeared live as a guest on “2021 FNS Utah Matsuri Autumn” (Fuji TV), sharing episodes with Toshihiko Takamizawa of THE ALFEE, and announcing “Lupin’s Daughter the Movie”.

Even here, there were some who worried that her return was premature, saying “Her voice is hard to hear…” and “Her facial expression is unnatural…”.

The most common comments were that the people around her might have forced her to return to work in order to coincide with the theatrical release of “Lupin,” and that she might have had no choice but to hurry her return due to the pressure. However, in reality, it was Ms. Fukada who strongly wanted to return.

When she announced the resumption of her activities on Instagram, she also released a photo of herself wearing a blue dress with a large opening at the chest and looking straight into the camera. It was also Ms. Fukada who chose that photo. It seems that the office wanted her to take a break until she fully recovered, even if she couldn’t make it to the stage greeting, but they decided that if she wanted to do so, it would be better to respect her wishes.

(Sports paper reporter) It seems that the film industry people who were watching Fukada at the “Lupin” greeting party felt the same way.

“When she appeared at the venue, her expression was soft and she looked very relaxed, and there was no sign that she had been resting due to illness. She seemed to be nervous during the greeting, but after the greeting, she high-fived her co-stars and the staff and hugged a child actor strongly.

She also waved to the cast and staff as she walked around, jumping up and down, smiling and enjoying the reunion. He may not be in perfect physical condition yet, but I could tell that he really loves the scene.

Fukada herself may feel that showing her healthy appearance in front of her fans is the best rehabilitation…

  • PHOTO Yuri Adachi

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