Furious at Holliemon but Laughing at Gaasyy — More of a Rusher than Hiroyuki’s Wife and Husband | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Furious at Holliemon but Laughing at Gaasyy — More of a Rusher than Hiroyuki’s Wife and Husband

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Mr. Garcie (left) and Mr. Hiroyuki (right) went head-to-head, but “Hiroyuki’s wife” also took the brunt of it.(both from the official YouTube channel)

The battle between Hiroyuki and Garcy has become a hot topic.

It started when Hiroyuki called Garcy a “fraudulent fugitive criminal. The tweet was typical of Hiroyuki, who tends to use extreme language here and there, but Gurthy was furious. On InstaLive, he said

I don’t think anyone would trust someone who ran away to France without paying a penny. Do you know how many millions I’ve paid back in the past few months? I’m not like you. Don’t think you can beat me with that. It’s a declaration of war.

He snapped.

It would have been better if it had ended with a simple “Hiroyuki vs. Gyasi,” but the situation became complicated when “supporters” from both sides entered the fray.

On Garcy’s side were NHK party leader Takashi Tachibana, FC2 founder Rihiro Takahashi, and former Daio Paper Corporation chairman Iitaka Igawa. On Hiroyuki’s side, mentalist DaiGo joined in the fight, tweeting

If a member of the Diet had a history of fraud, there would be a big fuss about stopping it. LOL!” He attacked.

DaiGo was once called “Peyoung” by Gershie for his hair style.

Enter Takafumi Horie, a true critic of Hiroyuki, who used to be a close ally but fell out with Gyoza two years ago after Horie announced he would no longer tolerate him due to the controversy over his wearing a mask at a gyoza restaurant.

It was then that Mr. Horie turned his attention to Hiroyuki’s wife, Yuka Nishimura.

On August 11, he sent a letter to Yuka saying

She’s published a creepy book about her husband, so she’s not a regular person, right?

Yuka tweeted, “You’re not a normal person, are you? Yuka could not keep quiet about this.”

I have no right to be called a creepy ‘book’ because of Mr. Horie’s personal hatred and good mood. You should be ashamed of yourself.

He fired back. It seems that not only he but also many of his staff members were involved in the book he published last year, “My husband is Hiroyuki,” and he could not tolerate being treated as “creepy” for that.

Horie then revealed that when he launched his apparel brand last year, Hiroyuki made fun of him in the past, “I was sad,” he said.

If Hiroyuki’s wife called me that, it would be a boomerang.
Hiroyuki and his wife have made a lot of money by making fun of various people in the world, haven’t they?

Mr. and Mrs. Hiroyuki have made money by making fun of various people in the world, haven’t they?

Yuka, however, calmly admonished him, saying, “You know, your husband is a very good friend of mine.

You know, it’s disgraceful for an adult of a good age to say, “Your husband is…,” and then get into the middle of it by saying, “Your mother’s a slut. I have never mentioned that brand in any way. It is childish to broaden the scope and attack without bounds, such as ” Mr.A’s wife.”

After this, Mr. Horie no longer engaged with Mr. Yuka. A person involved in publishing said

Mr. Hiroyuki is now an influencer, especially among young people, but Mr. Yuka is the one who rolls his hands over him. Hiroyuki has also declared, “You can’t win an argument with him. I think he is even more of an “argument-breaking king” than Hiroyuki.

He is probably even more of an “argument-breaking king” than Hiroyuki is. A reporter for a sports newspaper also commented

They have a strange relationship…more like a parent-child relationship. They have a power balance like Mr. Hiroyuki is the child and Ms. Yuka is the mother. I think that’s why they get along so well.

However, there is no doubt that the “landmine” for Mr. Hiroyuki is his beloved wife, Yuka. When I speak ill of her, he changes his tone,” he reveals.

He reveals, “If you say anything bad about her, her tone changes.”

Mr. Hiroyuki’s wife and Mr. Horie’s battles.

What is this phenomenon of Mr. Garcy and Mr. Horie skipping over me and messing around with my girlfriend?

He mumbled as if he was talking to someone else. This irritated Yuka, who replied to Hiroyuki

If you get too carried away, I’ll have you choose your own opponent for the next Breaking Down and have you compete as a starter.

He then gave a warning to Hiroyuki.

This made even Mr. Garcey, who was on the enemy side,react unintentionally.

Hiroyuki’s wife, she’s good! I’m looking at you as an equal.

I’m looking at you as an equal. He laughed as if to say, “I’ll take that as a compliment! It seems that Yuka was definitely the last boss in the series of disturbances involving popular figures on the Internet.

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