Kan snaps at Kishida’s attack! “Cancel the presidential election. I won’t give up the prime minister’s seat.” | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Kan snaps at Kishida’s attack! “Cancel the presidential election. I won’t give up the prime minister’s seat.”

"Why isn't the Diet in session?" "Why don't you open the Diet?" The intra-party infighting intensifies in the face of constitutional violations...

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“I’ve never seen Kishida like this.”

The onslaught of Kishida’s early declaration to run for the presidency. Fumio Kishida, a politician, had been described as “a well-behaved, quiet boy” and “a smart politician,” which made me feel that he was lacking in some way. However, since the announcement of his official candidacy for the presidential election on March 26, he has shown a sharpness and power as if he were a different person.

He cut off Toshihiro Nikai, the secretary general of the party, who had been too scared to make a move on him, and pushed Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, who was overwhelmed by this move, to appoint new party officers. Kan was quite upset by Kishida’s rocket start.

“He completely ignored the opposition’s call to open the Diet to deal with the new Corona. Right now, Kan is preoccupied with the presidential election. Which is worse, the previous administration or the current one, which ran away as soon as it realized the national crisis? Which one is worse (both)?

After announcing his candidacy, Abe praised Kishida for a good press conference as he went to greet former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at his office in the Diet building. For Kan and Nikai, this comment could be seen as a betrayal of Abe.

The only people who benefited from the success of “getting rid of Nikai” were

“I don’t remember telling the prime minister that I’m quitting as secretary general.

I don’t remember telling the prime minister that I was quitting as secretary general,” Nikai said in frustration after his dog bit him on the hand. On the other hand, Kan, who was forced to make personnel changes to “remove Nikai,” is fearful that the Nikai faction may turn to support Kishida. Surrounded by reporters at the Prime Minister’s Office, Nikai vented his true feelings in frustration.

“The LDP is free to speak its mind.

The LDP is free to say what it wants,” he said before continuing.

The LDP is free to speak its mind,” he continued, “so it’s not as if we have to change the secretary general because Kishida said so.

This was the first time Nikai had referred to him as “Kishida” in public. It was the first time Nikai had referred to him as “Kishida” in public. It was a moment when he could no longer hide his hatred.

Kan’s “source of confidence” is not…

On the last Sunday in August, Prime Minister Kan reportedly called Shinjiro Koizumi to Akasaka to have a light lunch together. It is said that on the last Sunday of August, Prime Minister Kan invited Shinjiro Koizumi to Akasaka for a light lunch.

Shinjiro encouraged Kan, who was in the mood to run away from the current situation, by saying, “If you want to take me down, take me down! I want him to take on the challenge with a fighting attitude. I want him to fight it out in his own words.

It was an emotional shout from Shinjiro.

The young lawmakers around the prime minister, including the Ganesha Association, the Vikaden Association, and the Reiwa Association, have ceased their activities. The area around Kan is deserted. Shinjiro’s words were very encouraging to Kan. From this point on, Kan launched a reversal offensive with his own energy.

On the night of September 31, he announced that he would dissolve the Diet on September 14, which had been rumored.

Kan’s sense of crisis has led him to launch an unrestrained offensive. It is said that he has been so elated that he has not been able to sleep at all in recent days. A senior member of the LDP said.

“The Kan administration’s surprise is Shinjiro Koizumi, just as the Koizumi administration selected Abe as secretary general. However, it is difficult to decide which post to appoint Shinjiro to. It is obvious that he will be ridiculed for using a banned panda to attract people because of his declining popularity in the Cabinet.

Did I mention that he was a cabinet minister? It is doubtful whether Shinjiro, who has almost been forgotten, will be a trump card for the Kan administration.

Kishida’s eyes swam as Kan pretended to be something he was not.

In a television interview on the evening of March 31, Kishida was not as sharp and sharp as he was when he first ran for office, perhaps because of Kan’s “dissolution bluff.

“The Kan administration’s measures against coronas are not so far wrong. The epidemic is not the government’s responsibility. The past year has been a difficult time for everyone. It is the responsibility of the former prime minister, who quickly threw out the government and fled before the national crisis.

The former prime minister and his ally, the former prime minister, who fled from the investigation, have decided to “watch from a distance,” but they are probably not at peace with the crisis facing their party. What the public needs now is effective measures to deal with the corona and a return to normalcy. Where is the real leader?

  • Reporting and writing by Shutaro Iwashiro

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