What Is the TV World’s Honest Assessment of Councillor Gassyy? | FRIDAY DIGITAL

What Is the TV World’s Honest Assessment of Councillor Gassyy?

The staff saw it! Behind the Scenes of Weekly TV

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Yoshikazu Higashitani’s “Gaasyy-ch” was shut down on July 13, along with its subchannel. The gold plaque awarded when the number of subscribers exceeds 1 million was also forfeited.

Yoshikazu Higashitani, 50, a.k.a. Gaasyy, an exposé-style YouTube personality who ran for the NHK Party in the Upper House election, won the election. The TV world was also shocked.

Gaasyy won the election by making a speech remotely while staying in Dubai. He promised to expose 47 celebrities with their real names if elected. His future is attracting a lot of attention.

After his election, major newspapers began to cover “Mr. Gaasyy, but TV stations has largely ignored him.

However, TV stations have largely ignored the issue. “All the stations did not take him seriously, thinking that he was just running for office to create a buzz and would not win anyway. Some of the executives at commercial broadcasters are in close contact with entertainment companies, so it would be bad for them if he were to be elected. However, there are some people who are not so happy if he is elected. However, many of the younger generation of TV workers who have been checking his YouTube channel and social networking sites are hoping that he will win the election and drain the pus out of the industry. (Director of a production company)

A senior executive of an entertainment company said, “Gaasyy’s election has caused a renewed physical examination of talents in his company.

When Gaasyy’s YouTube channel started to become a hot topic in the spring of this year,”Gaasyy associates” topics had become viral. I did some light research on Gaasyy’s YouTube channel. But when you’re a member of Congress and you’re going to expose someone, it’s a different story. Even if Gaasyy had not been told that he had anecdotes to share, he would have asked his friends who connected with Gaasyy to let him know if there was something on their minds. No talent was honest enough to declare their concerns. If a scandal broke out after a big job, there would be a penalty fee and a lot of damage. If they say, ‘I have nothing to do with Gaasyy,’ and then they are exposed, they will be severely punished, including being fired.

It seems that the honest feeling in the TV industry is that they want the “pledge to be fulfilled as soon as possible.

“We don’t want to have to go back to the drawing board after the casting because we don’t want to get hit with the Gaasyy cannon after the casting. Recently, Gaasyy has been in a state of “expose fraud,” and his Twitter and YouTube channels have been suspended. With the shutdown of his Twitter and YouTube channels, Gaasyy had been a topic among TV personalities for some time now. But the first revelation after his election has been attracting a lot of attention. Depending on the magnitude of the shock and the reaction of viewers, it would not be surprising if some stations would have Gaasyy appear remotely on their programs,” said a producer of a major station.

There are hopes that the birth of Senator Gaasyy will “clean up” the entertainment industry.

Gaasyy is one of the four major entertainment industry attendants, and now that he has begun exposing the entertainment industry, there is a definite increase in the number of celebrities who are wary of him, saying, “I don’t trust anyone.” For some time, entertainment agencies have not been comfortable with talent being invited to shady parties and drinking parties. Nevertheless, if they intervened too much in their private lives, they would be perceived as a black office and risk independence or transfer. Many talents would have been able to avoid the danger thanks to Gaasyy. It is a deterrent in today’s compliance-oriented TV industry.

The TV and entertainment industries are anxiously waiting for Gaasyy to fulfill his promise.

From the August 12, 2022 issue of FRIDAY

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