Even Hiroyuki praised! Behind the Scenes of “Miyaneya’s” Offensive Against the Old Unification Church | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Even Hiroyuki praised! Behind the Scenes of “Miyaneya’s” Offensive Against the Old Unification Church

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Seiji Miyane, MC of “Miyaneya,” has not let up in his pursuit of the former Unification Church. The high viewer ratings show the high level of public interest.

It has been almost a month since former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was killed by Tetsuya Yamagami.

The media have all been reporting on the issue of the former Unification Church, which is deeply related to the motive of the suspect, but the one that has been most active is “Information Live Miyaneya” (Yomiuri TV) with Seiji Miyane as the MC.

Miyaneya, whose ratings have been slumping and some are even calling for its cancellation, has received a “kamikaze” boost. The reason why Miyaneya has been covering this issue day after day is because it can get good numbers. It’s a Kansai-produced program, and they are going at it with a high pitch,” said a TV station insider.

The main topic of interest in Nagata-cho is the “unusual relationship” between the Liberal Democratic Party and the former Unification Church.

Not only did former Prime Minister Abe send a message to the UPF (United for Peace in the Universe), an affiliated organization of the LDP, but LDP Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi, Speaker of the House of Representatives Hiroyuki Hosoda, Education Minister Shinsuke Suematsu, and even Even National Public Safety Commission Chairman Satoshi Ninoyu is known to have interacted with them in the past.

Miyane told Prime Minister Kishida on the program

Miyane told Prime Minister Kishida in the program, “I think you have to show leadership and declare a break with the former Unification Church, or declare relief for victims, or something like that.

He was praised on the Internet for his bold statement.

The former Unification Church also did not remain silent, posting the following statement on its official website on July 31

On July 31, the former Unification Church issued a press release on its official website titled “[Dear News Organization] Warning Regarding the Use of Copyrighted Footage in the Press.

On July 31, the former Unification Church issued a press release on its official website titled, “[Dear News Organization] Warning Regarding Use of Copyrighted Footage in News Reports.

We ask that you do not use any of our copyrighted images without our permission. If, in spite of this warning, you use copyrighted images without permission, we will take legal action against you.

The corporation’s website is not a publicity tool for the corporation, but it is a tool for the media. However, this kind of protest is also a bad move that will provoke the media in the opposite direction. A reporter for a sports newspaper commented

A reporter for a sports newspaper said, “It’s as if they are saying, ‘Don’t report any more. It is natural for those working on the front lines to think, “What the hell? It was the same with Miyaneya.

The same was true for Miyaneya,” he said.

On August 1, the program devoted an hour and 25 minutes of its two-hour broadcast slot to the relationship between politics and religious groups. On the following day, August 2, the program featured a remote appearance by Professor Masaki Nakamasa of Kanazawa University, who had been a member of the former Unification Church for 11 and a half years, and delved deeply into the psychic business practices of the time.

Furthermore, on the 3rd and 5th broadcasts, the cult invited journalist Suzuki Eight, who was designated by the cult as a “person to watch out for,” to introduce the raw reality of the cult.

The founder of 2channel, Hiroyuki, also commented on Twitter about this kind of reporting.

Miyaneya staff is so cool!

on Twitter. The aforementioned Mr. Arita also responded

I think they are making the program against the protest from the Unification Church. I also heard that “Mr. Arita’s comments were protested, so we asked him to come out again. The staff who worked hard on the Aum report during the “The Wide” days are still alive and well.

He tweeted.

Miyaneya’s efforts are steadily being reflected in the ratings.

On the 2nd, the program’s viewership ratings were 7.1% for households and 3.7% for individuals (both according to Video Research, Kanto region). The June ratings were in the 4-5% range, so it is safe to say that this is a significant increase.

Mr. Miyane is clearly motivated. He has often been criticized in the past, but this time he is receiving praise from the Internet.

Perhaps feeling good about this, she has instructed the program side to go on the former Unification Church issue for a while. It is truly a kamikaze. The program side is also enthusiastic, saying, ‘We’re going to make up for the slump in one fell swoop here! The program side is also enthusiastic, saying, “We’re going to make up for the slump in one fell swoop!

says a TV station insider. It seems that the “Miyaneya Warriors” will continue for a while.

  • PHOTO Yuya Kawasaki

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