Former “Rire Kids” Nagata reveals the real income situation of “radio distribution | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Former “Rire Kids” Nagata reveals the real income situation of “radio distribution

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Nagata during delivery. He delivers his radio program every night from 11:00 p.m. while drinking alcohol.

He says, “My income from radio distribution is about 200,000 yen a month at the most. Of course, I appreciate it as a side job, but I always end up drinking until I can’t remember anything during the broadcast, so my earnings disappear to pay for alcohol, which is my current problem (laughs).

(Laughs)” says Nagata Yuki (36), a former member of “Rial Kids.

In 1996, Nagata’s talent as a “future Downtowner” was recognized in an audition program, and two years later, he and his classmate Yoshinori Yasuda formed “Rial Kids. Two years later, he formed “Rial Kids” with his classmate Yoshinori Yasuda, and at the age of 17 became the youngest ever finalist in the “M-1 Grand Prix. However, Nagata’s debt problem amounting to more than 100 million yen was later revealed, and his contract with Yoshimoto Kogyo was terminated, resulting in the dissolution of “Rial Kids.

After a seven-year gap, Nagata is now living as a “stray comedian” and has found his way to radio broadcasting.

While working as an interior decorator, I resumed my comedian activities in February of last year and started doing YouTube. However, I couldn’t get any results, so I ended it in July of this year. It was in April of this year that I came to know about radio broadcasting. I was invited to appear as a guest on the radio of Tatsumi Shindo of “You’re an Idiot, You’re an Idiot,” whom I had known for a long time. When Mr. Shindo asked me if I would be interested in appearing as a guest, I asked him when and where I should go. I asked, “Where should I go at what time?

I did as Shindo-kun asked, downloaded a special smartphone app, and “appeared” remotely from home. I was surprised to learn for the first time that something like this existed. I thought, ‘I can do this, too,’ and immediately started my own radio show. I had always loved radio since I was a comedian, and even after I quit my career as a comedian, I always listened to it when I was working on interior design, so radio was a familiar content for me.

This is how I started the program “Nagata Ryuki’s Raw Garbage Radio. The advantage of radio broadcasting is that, like YouTube, it does not require staff or filming equipment, and it can be broadcast anywhere and at any time.

In my case, I basically broadcast live from my home,” he says. With live broadcasting, there is no need for editing, so I can really do it with just my own words. There is no initial investment required, so there is no downside to doing it, which is one of the appeals of radio broadcasting. Of course, anyone can distribute. In my case, I distribute two to three days a week. The time is from 11 p.m. at the beginning of a drinking session. Since I also talk about comedian-related exposés, I do not leave any archives. The number of listeners to the show is usually around 100 and at the most around 300.

I have been ranked second in the audience ranking at the best of times. About three years ago, Yasuda guested on one of my radio shows, and I was quite depressed at the time because I had heard him talk about what a piece of trash Nagata is.

Nagata drinks alcohol during the delivery and seems to be in a good mood.

But how much money does he make? The “Radiotalk” service that Nagata delivers is based on a system in which listeners pay for the service, and the operator and the distributor split the proceeds.

The app’s operator receives about 30%, and the remaining 70% goes to the distributor. Listeners can send a “gift” to the distributor of their choice. The most common gift is “Gokou (blessings)” for 1,000 yen, “Rocket” for 10,000 yen, “Fireworks” for 10,000 yen, and “Meteor” for 3,000 yen. 3,000 yen, and the most expensive “meteor shower” is 25,000 yen. The most expensive “meteor shower” is 25,000 yen.

My average monthly radio earnings are around 100,000 to 150,000 yen. On my highest day, I once earned 50,000 yen a day, and once a listener sent me a gift of 800 yen when I had a stomach ache and went to the restroom during a live broadcast. I think I am the only man in Japan who earned 800 yen just for going to the restroom (laughs).

Some of the top-ranked radio broadcasters earn an average of 500,000 to 600,000 yen per month. On the other hand, there are also tearful efforts to acquire listeners.

In my case, I try to send as many gifts from my home prefecture of Kanagawa as possible to those who give me gifts, even if it is only out of the goodness of their hearts.

Nagata is currently working hard on his radio broadcasts, but in July of this year he and his partner Yasuda reunited for one night only at a theater in Shibuya under the name of the “Former Rial Kids. It had been eight years since he had performed in front of an audience as the Rial Kids.

I was really nervous on the day of the show,” he said. I was really nervous on the day. Of course it was fun while we were doing it, but to be honest, I don’t want to do it again. …… That’s how hard it was for me to do manzai. I really felt that being a manzai performer is amazing. That day will probably be the first and last time the “Riaru Kids” will perform again. I don’t think we will ever reunite at …….

Nagata says he will continue to work as a “freelance pin-up comedian. He is now burning with ambition.

My current goal is to be able to make a living on the radio. I want to expose a variety of material and eventually become known as the “Garcy of the radio world. And eventually, I will become a member of the Diet! (laughs).

Nagata is also planning a 24-hour live broadcast on July 30-31, his birthday. Will he be the eye of a typhoon in the radio world?

  • Interview and text by Yu Tsuchiyama

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