Exact Events of What Happened to Former Prime Minister Abe’s Wife & Mother Right After Abe Has Been Shot with a Shotgun | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Exact Events of What Happened to Former Prime Minister Abe’s Wife & Mother Right After Abe Has Been Shot with a Shotgun

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Former Prime Minister Abe and Akie heading to the U.S. for a Japan-U.S. summit meeting in 18 years

At 5:03 p.m. on July 8, former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was killed by a bullet that reached his heart. The cause of death was exsanguination from gunshot wounds.

Akie, who had been acting stoutly until then, finally lost her composure and broke down in tears when she came face to face with her husband’s body.

Abe can no longer play politics.

Just before leaving for Nara, Akie told an acquaintance, “Abe can no longer play politics. She may have heard about his condition at that point, but she probably squeezed the words out of her mouth as she chose them. Mrs. Akie’s voice was small and trembling.

Mrs. Akie was the first prime minister’s wife to use the Internet to disseminate information. The LDP, including Abe’s supporters, were concerned that the Abe’s had left office after only one year on his first term, and they did not want Mrs. Akie to be publicly known. However, former Prime Minister Abe never once admonished Mrs. Akie for her internet postings, which were ahead of their time.

She said, “I intend to push forward with what I want to say and the politics that must be done in this administration (the second Abe administration) without hesitation. ” According to former Prime Minister Abe “Akie should say what she wants to say and do what she wants to do. I will not stop her.”

Former Prime Minister Abe and his wife Akie, the First Lady and the opposition party, have been running the government in a truly husband-and-wife relationship. The First Lady’s Internet strategy has since become a major tool of indispensable political strategy for former Prime Minister Abe.

Meanwhile,  Abe’s mother, Yoko, who was at a senior citizen’s home when the incident happened, was watching the flash news in the middle of lunch.

“She did not immediately understand that her son had been shot. When a panicked attendant tried to turn off the TV, she interrupted him and continued watching the news. Afterwards, she cried aloud,” said a source around former Prime Minister Abe.

Yoko experienced that in 1960, her father, former Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi, was attacked by thugs as he was coming out of the venue for the inauguration celebration of new Prime Minister Hayato Ikeda, and that she cried out in concern for her father at that time as well. He must have never thought that his son, who had risen to the position of prime minister, would be killed by a bullet. I sincerely pray for the repose of the soul of former Prime Minister Abe.

Former Prime Minister Abe’s mother, Yoko (photo taken in 2002)
  • Photo by Takeshi Kinugawa (former Prime Minister Abe and Akie) Takashi Hotta (Yoko)

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