Suspect Arrested for Kidnapping and Abandoning Corpse in Hitachiota City with Video Footage Found in His Smartphone! | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Suspect Arrested for Kidnapping and Abandoning Corpse in Hitachiota City with Video Footage Found in His Smartphone!

While he has been arrested twice, he owns a vacation home, works for a major company, and lives with a woman Handcuffed to a woman he met on social networking sites ......

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The suspect used a vacation home he owned as his main residence until a few years ago. He enjoyed vegetable gardening and barbecuing.

“The suspect handcuffed the female victim in the basement of the vacation home and held her captive for two hours. Images and videos of the handcuffed woman and the suspect together were left on the suspect’s phone. The body was found in a mountain forest about 1 km away from where she was believed to have been held, but she was not wearing any clothes” (investigator).

Rina Arano, 23, a Tokyo resident, went missing and was found dead in a forest in Hitachi-Ota City, Ibaraki. The victim and the suspect, Hiroyuki Sanpei, 33, who was arrested on suspicion of kidnapping and confinement, met on SNS and exchanged messages via Twitter before meeting up.

On the 5th, the day Ms. Niino went missing, a security camera caught her getting into the suspect’s car in front of Mito Station. The suspect stated that this was the second time they had met.

The villa where the confinement took place is about an hour’s drive from Mito Station, and the suspect’s main residence is in Minami-ashigara City, Kanagawa Prefecture. The suspect was living in “two locations” with a female roommate.

He came to the house once every month or two on weekends to pull weeds and clean the yard. I hadn’t seen the woman recently, but I saw her once this year. She introduced herself as his wife.

Neighbors of the suspect’s main residence in Minami-Ashigara City also confirmed that the suspect was seen with a woman. The suspect was working for a subsidiary of Fujifilm, which is based in the same city. When we asked the company about it, they admitted the fact and replied, “We have been working for Fujifilm since December ’17.”

He had been with the company since December ’17, and after his arrest, the police contacted us and said that he already left the company. I heard that there were no problems within the company and that he had a serious attitude toward his work.

Before that, however, the suspect, Sanpei, had been arrested twice.” In December 2016, he was arrested for assaulting a police officer in Hitachinaka City, Ibaraki, and in January ’17, he was arrested again in the same city for indecent assault on a woman in May ’16. In the midst of this, the suspect purchased the vacation home in question in November ’16. He moved to Kanagawa and started working for a major company in December ’17, so it is hard to believe that he was living such life after the incident.

Sanpei stated that the handcuffs were consensual. The dash-cam in his car showed footage of him heading toward the area where the body was found. What was he thinking on the 10-minute drive to the forest?

On the 21st, the suspect, Sanpei, was sent to the Tomisaka Police Station in Tokyo. He has denied any involvement in the abandonment and has remained silent during the interrogation.

From the July 8, 2022 issue of FRIDAY

  • PHOTO. Shinji Hasuo (Sanpei suspect) Ryo Nakahira (villa)

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