Why Fumio Kishida’s administration is in trouble as soon as possible

The new Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) president Fumio Kishida’s executive committee has been revealed.
“This is what the new LDP president, Fumio Kishida, has been thinking about all along.
The veteran lawmakers who voted for Kishida fell silent as they said this.
Taro Aso, the vice president, Akira Amari, the secretary general, Tatsuo Fukuda, the chairman of the general affairs committee, and Sanae Takaichi, the policy chief.
“Aso wanted to stay on as deputy prime minister and finance minister. Amari’s appointment as secretary general must have been decided at some point during the presidential election. Normally, two or three names come up, information about candidates for secretary general circulates, and the post is finally decided after much deliberation. The post of secretary general is not a light one that can be decided on quickly like this.
Fukuda was picked up from the Party Style Renewal Association. It’s a pose that says, “We’ll promote young people, too. It’s a pose. It’s a pose that says, “We’ll promote young people, too. He may have given dreams and hopes to the younger members of the Diet, but Fukuda was not a good choice. 54 years old. He is 54 years old. Fukuda is 54 years old and cannot be called young. And Takaichi…well, that goes without saying.
The most popular party member is now a “shopkeeper.
Taro Kono’s job as LDP spokesman is to prepare for the general election, and his job as Chief Cabinet Secretary, the key to the government, is to be headed by Hirokazu Matsuno? Who’s that? I can hear voices in the party saying, “Who is this?
Three members of the Aso faction, two members of the Hosoda faction, and one independent. After the presidential election, Kishida declared his intention to call it a night, and I wonder if this is the one-team he was aiming for.
“The Nikai faction has been eliminated, and Kan’s influence is nowhere to be seen. It’s like the Aso administration, but with former Prime Minister Abe as the real powerhouse.
“In other words, the company’s name is Kishida Shoten, but it is Aso who holds the representative power. In reality, it’s a store run by Abe, the owner of the holding company who controls all the shares. President Kishida is just a ‘hired madam’.
He is just a ‘hired madam,'” a former cabinet minister said bitterly.
“Taro Kono, the head of the Public Relations Headquarters, is a publicist at best. He’s a tout. It’s pathetic.
The arrogance of the new administration that the media “can’t protect.
“The result of the election of a president with no sense of nationhood and a low level of leadership is clearly evident in the appointment of the party’s executive officers. The result of the election of a president with no sense of the nation and a low level of leadership is clearly evident in the appointment of the party’s board of directors. “Instead of a new LDP, it’s just the status quo, or even a further step backward.
In the media, there is an unspoken rule called the “100-day rule” when a new government is formed.
The unspoken rule for the media is the “100-day rule” when a new government is inaugurated: after confirming ministerial appointments, listen to the policy speeches, examine the policies, and observe the new government closely for three months. This is the “honeymoon period,” during which the new government is supposed to be quiet for the time being, tolerate a bit of turmoil, and suppress critical reporting. In the U.S. and the U.K., it is customary to review a new administration about 100 days after its inauguration.
“The Kishida administration may break this rule.
This rule may be broken by the Kishida administration,” said an executive in the political section of a national newspaper with a grim expression. He said that the new LDP system, which he called a “fresh start,” was nothing more than a reworking of the old system and that he could not tolerate it at any cost.
Kishida’s voice is not being heard, and party members are disappointed and foresee an uphill battle.
“Kishida has not been able to control the party as president. He says that his special skill is listening to people, but judging from this appointment, he is only listening to what former Prime Minister Abe says, not to the voice of the people.
It is said that Mr. Abe, not Mr. Kishida, persuaded Mr. Aso to stay on as prime minister,” said a member of Nikai Faction.
Kishida was the only one of the four candidates in the race for the presidency to declare that he would “aim for a new capitalism,” and he seemed to have shown the way for Japan to move forward in the face of stagnation. Isn’t the prime minister’s decision-making process being neglected? Will this system be able to win the support of the people and win the general election? There are voices both inside and outside the party asking, “Can this system win the support of the people and win the general election?
“The approval rating, which had dropped during the Kan administration, has already risen to the point where it is worth a chunk of change. But the disappointment with the LDP, especially in urban areas, has not changed at all. The election will be a tough one. How will the damage of cold-shouldering Kono, who had by far the largest number of party members’ votes, affect him?
President Kishida is 47 Kishida must take more seriously the fact that he received support in only eight of the 47 prefectures. We must take it more seriously. (LDP election official) (LDP election campaign official)
The Kishida administration is set to take off on October 4, but the LDP president is a “hired madam” whose management and appointments are left to the owners. The celebratory mood seems to have waned after only one day. Both inside and outside the party are already taking a hard look at him.
Interviewed and written by: Shutaro Iwashiro