The depth of Jun Tamura’s “Wishing to interview people who slander on Twitter | FRIDAY DIGITAL

The depth of Jun Tamura’s “Wishing to interview people who slander on Twitter

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Jun Tamura of “London Boots No. 1 and No. 2” complains about slander on SNS

On June 2, Jun Tamura of the comedy duo “London Boots No. 1 and No. 2” updated his Twitter page, and the content of the post has been the subject of various discussions on the Internet.

If you have a success story about how you used Twitter to turn your life around, please let us know and we would be happy to interview you. Please write in the comments section that you would like to be interviewed! Our staff will contact you. Thank you for your cooperation.

That’s the content of the letter.

Speaking of Jun, he revealed on the May 8 broadcast of “Wide Nah Show” (Fuji TV) that he has a cell phone number just for talking to the antis who slander him. When an anti-slanderer appears, he gives his “anti-slander phone number” by DM and talks directly with the anti-slanderer.

When he tells the antis that “it’s not right to start communication with abusive language,” the antis usually apologize, and from then on, the relationship becomes more relaxed.

I consider all the antis to be my friends,” Jun boldly stated.

Jun’s boldness is amazing. On the other hand, we also wonder why he takes anti-protesters so seriously.

He has recently been appearing on news and information programs, and he knows how big a problem online slander has become. In this context, in order to understand society, he probably wanted to know what kind of life people who are constantly complaining on Twitter are leading.

As a celebrity himself, he must be subjected to heartless posts. Perhaps they were fed up with such anti-tweeters’ posts.

(A reporter from a sports newspaper) “Looking at the replies to the post, some of them wrote, ‘I would like to interview you.

One person wrote, “I feel much better by muttering my frustration and dissatisfaction that I can’t express directly.

It will be interesting to see how Jun will deal with such thoughts in the future.

Jun sometimes interacts with antagonists, but he also seems to use the block or mute function for users who are too slanderous. “There is a difference between opposing opinions and slander,” he called out to those suffering on Twitter.

Late last month, he wrote on Twitter

I don’t know what you want from me, but I am not innocent… Are you innocent if you want that from me? I don’t expect others to be clean either.

Many celebrities, as well as ordinary people, have been pained by the posts on social networking sites.

On January 1, the “Japan Association of Entertainment Professionals,” a group of actors and musicians, opened the “Entertainment Professionals’ Kokoro no 119” website, where people can consult with a clinical psychologist via e-mail about their emotional problems. Here, they will respond to entertainers and staff members who are distressed by harassment and slander.

Although not as many entertainers as Jun are trying to deal with antagonists, we live in an age when even the ordinary use of a smartphone can be mentally exhausting due to various information flying around. When the mind is tired, it may be important to step away from social networking sites for a while.

  • PHOTO Sota Shima

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