Ryoko Hirosue, mother of three, shows off her “strongest style” in a black dress | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Ryoko Hirosue, mother of three, shows off her “strongest style” in a black dress

Asked about her strongest buddy at a movie event, she said, "It's my ...... son after all ♡".

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Nine actresses and actors, including Hirosue, appeared at the event. Each of them wore a monotone color scheme to match the atmosphere of the movie.

On May 12, Ryoko Hirosue (41) appeared on stage at the completion announcement preview of the movie “The Hound of the Baskervilles: Sherlock the Movie” in Tokyo, wearing an all-black dress.

The host asked her, “Who is your strongest buddy? The host asked, “Who is the best buddy for you? He is the one who can communicate with me the most and understands me. Recently, he knows a lot more than I do, and he teaches me a lot more than I do.

Hirosue is the mother of three children, including an 18-year-old son. In early May of this year, she was selected for the “14th Best Mother Award 2022” in the entertainment category and participated in the award ceremony.’ In 2004, at the age of 23, she gave birth to her first son, and after returning to show business a year later, she has continued to take on the challenge of balancing child rearing and acting, something that until then had few precedents. She says that her “children are the reason I am where I am today, without a doubt.

She once said tearfully at the launch of a TV drama eight years ago, “I couldn’t give a convincing performance at all, so I actually went home and cried when I saw my children’s sleeping faces. Like working mothers everywhere, her children must have been the driving force behind her work” (source from a TV station).

Her eldest son came of age this year and is currently studying abroad, but her younger children are 11 and 6 years old. The younger children are 11 and 6 years old. It seems that Hirosue’s life of child-rearing will continue with her children still growing up.

The dress was open at the bust, with a hole under the bust, revealing a glimpse of bare skin. It is a simple yet sexy formal dress.
Ryoko Hirosue’s “glamorous” and “motherly” appearance in a black dress.
Ryoko Hirosue in a black dress, showing her “glamorous figure” and “mother’s face.

From the June 3, 2022 issue of FRIDAY

  • PHOTO Kazuhiko Nakamura

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