Kyoko Koizumi Has Evolved as a Very Independent Woman | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Kyoko Koizumi Has Evolved as a Very Independent Woman

Sanae Kameyama reports on "Adult Love

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Kyoko Koizumi is 56 years old. 40 years since her debut, Kyoko Koizumi is a rare idol who shines not by remaining the same, but by continuing to change. Why is Kyonkyon so cool? Why is her love so sympathetic? Sanae Kameyama, a writer who covers love for adults, answers the following questions.

It has been 40 years since her debut as an idol. Kyoko Koizumi is evolving. And she always has a good guy by her side. Thinking about adult love Photo: Rodrigo Reyes Marin/Afro

Thinking about Kyonkyon’s love life

Kyoko Koizumi celebrated the 40th anniversary of her debut. During the heyday of idols such as Seiko Matsuda and Akina Nakamori, she was the only one who was not bound by society’s view of idols and was already going her own way. While it was important for idols of the time to be seen as cute by the opposite sex, she gained fans of both sexes who shared in the fun of dressing the way she liked.

She has gone on to become a singer, actress, essayist, director, and producer, and for the past 40 years, Kyoko Koizumi has remained “Kyon Kyon”.


Because there is more than one distance between men and women

In her personal life, she married actor Masatoshi Nagase in 1995, but they divorced nine years later. However, it was not a hostile divorce, as they co-starred in a movie two years after. She married a business associate, divorced, and returned to her business associate. Being such an adult was kind of lonely.

In 2018, she announced her independence from the firm she had been with for 36 years, and that she would now work with her production firm, which she established in 2003. She also stated that she was in a romantic relationship with actor Kosuke Toyohara, who was also involved in the establishment of the company and had long been rumored to be in a romantic relationship with her. The reason she declared this is to mention her public and private partner, who was also involved in the establishment of the office, rather than to let various rumors precede her.

Toyohara, who had been separated from his wife and children since 2003, did not finalize his divorce until 2020. Nevertheless, we have not heard that Koizumi and Toyohara have married. For a while, there were rumors that they were living together or in separate households in the same apartment, but now they are each living in an apartment nearby. Perhaps they have found the best distance for themselves.

Living without Excuses

At the time of the announcement, she received a lot of flak. The next day, Ms. Toyohara also held a press conference to explain her current situation, choosing her words carefully, but the public did not have a favorable view of her.

Even so, Kyoko Koizumi was well aware of her sins and made no excuses. She never changed her style, which was to go her way without hesitation. It is easy for a third party to say that she is clean, but it is very difficult for a person to break how the world sees you and carry on with her own life. She can do so because she has lived her life since her teenage years, valuing her sense of style and sensibility. Normally, she would have been accused of stealing, but strangely enough, there were no loud voices against her.

Taking responsibility and living as one pleases

In 2020, she made headlines when she tweeted seven times on Twitter, “I protest the proposed amendment to the Public Prosecutor’s Office Law”. She brushed off calls to run for Congress. I guess she said what she thought was right as a human being. In love, in work, in life, she lives as she pleases.


And she seems to live her life with a keen sense that people are alone. That is why, even though she bears the responsibility of being lonely and hurting others, she continues to be herself without being dependent on anything. This is why Kyoko Koizumi, from her days as an idol to now in her 50s, has been well received by people.

  • Interview and text by Sanae Kameyama Photo by Rodrigo Reyes Marin/Afro

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