Ebizo Ichikawa’s ineptitude in meeting with Maya Kobayashi exposed in interview | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Ebizo Ichikawa’s ineptitude in meeting with Maya Kobayashi exposed in interview

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Ebizo Ichikawa breaks his silence on Maya Kobayashi’s “verbal attack” and gives an interview to the Weekly Bunshun…

Kabuki actor Ichikawa Ebizo is in a tight spot.

In addition to a report in “Josei Seven” about his alleged “papa activities” with multiple women and a male “sorcerer” close to him, his sister-in-law, Maya Kobayashi, and Mr. Gin Kunimitsu have been “verbally abusing” him on their blogs day after day. Ebizo is a Kabuki actor, and he is a big name in the Kabuki world.

Ebizo, who is about to assume the title of Ichikawa Danjuro, one of the most respected names in the Kabuki world, would like to refrain from further ugliness, but the pursuit shows no sign of abating.

Perhaps out of frustration, Ebizo gave an interview to the April 21 issue of “Shukan Bunshun” and explained his concerns about the “Maya issue. At the beginning of the article

I have to end it here for the sake of my children and my mother-in-law. I will tell them everything.

But the content of his statement was not clear enough.

Maya and Kunimitsu divorced in secret last spring. Despite Ebizo’s advice that they did not need to disclose the divorce to the public, Maya wrote on her blog under the title “Welcome Home” without his permission.

At the time, Ebizo was reportedly involved in a woman scandal, and Maya and Kunimitsu were angered that he was used as a scapegoat for their divorce. They demanded that Ebizo apologize in his blog.

According to Bunshun, Ebizo confessed that he met with the two in person and discussed the situation for about six hours in order to resolve the situation. As for the aforementioned “Welcome Home” blog.

He said, “I posted it selfishly. It was shallow.

He also admitted that his wife, Mao Kobayashi, had been in a coma for a long time. As for Maya’s bombshell testimony that she was “attacked” by Ebizo after he lost his wife, Mao Kobayashi, she said

In fact, that is not true.
There is no male-female relationship.

She denied that she had ever been attacked by Mao Kobayashi, but she did whisper in his ear, “I love you…” and she said, “No, I don’t mean ‘I love you.

No, I don’t like her…. I don’t know.

I don’t know.

He admitted and apologized for the things he admitted, such as reading a horse racing newspaper in Ms. Mao’s hospital room and the “Welcome Home” blog. I was impressed by the way he spoke to Maya and Kunimitsu, being careful not to provoke them.

However, the result was not what Ebizo wanted. After the news report, Maya was furious on her blog, saying, “My gut is boiling over.


I rebuffed him. Kunimitsu did the same.

Where is a Kabuki actor to be interviewed by a weekly magazine?

All he had to do was to write a few words on his blog saying he was sorry. I don’t understand.

He expressed his displeasure with Ebizo for revealing his inside story to the press.

It would be extremely difficult to improve the relationship if it had gone this far. What is most noteworthy is that Ebizo, the head of the Kabuki world, is in trouble, but the people around him are standing idly by rather than lending a helping hand.

According to Bunshun, Kunimitsu brought a male acquaintance to the meeting as a “witness. At this point, the ratio was 1:3. In a closed-door discussion, it is easy to get into trouble over what was said or not said after the discussion is over.

Mr. Kunimitsu probably took an “insurance” measure by having a male acquaintance attend the meeting. On the other hand, Mr. Ebizo was too defenseless or too careless. He may have thought he could solve the problem by himself.

On the other hand, a person involved in the Kabuki industry testified that the bill for many years has come due.

Even after the assault in 2010 and the death of Mao in 2005, Ebizo’s human nature has basically remained the same. Since he is at the top of the Kabuki world, the people around him are in tune with his orders. I hear that many people were pushed around by that. No one would think of interceding in this trouble. Some of the people involved even said, “It was a good moxa for her.

In fact, the media have contacted Ebizo’s side in response to Maya’s revelation, but the response has been weak. Neither did they deny it nor put pressure on the media not to report it. Most of them responded that they were not involved in the matter.

The conflict between Ebizo and Maya is becoming more and more bitter. The point of settlement remains unclear.

  • PHOTO Ippei Hara

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