Frequent appearances since April…the identity of the “mysterious short-haired woman” who is close to Kim Jong-un | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Frequent appearances since April…the identity of the “mysterious short-haired woman” who is close to Kim Jong-un

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The “mysterious woman” handing Kim Jong-un a draft of his speech at the Elementary Party General Assembly in February (from Korean Central Television).

The woman is always close to the leader – and she is always close to him.

On April 13, she was behind the ribbon-cutting ceremony at which Kim Jong-un presented a luxury home to Ri Chun-hui, a well-known North Korean announcer, and two days later, on April 15, she was close to Kim Jong-un at the ceremony marking the 110th anniversary of the birth of Kim Il-sung (Sun Festival), along with senior WPK officials. Kim Jong-un.

This woman with short hair and wearing a plain black suit. She has been seen frequently at important events in recent years.

The first time she was seen in public was at the Elementary Party General Assembly held on February 26 this year. On this occasion, she was again dressed in a modest black two-piece outfit. On the dais, she was handing a draft of her speech to Kim Jong-un. Judging from the way she walked and her behavior, we can assume that she was in her 40s.

Until now, Kim Jong-un’s business has been supported by his sister Kim Yo Jong and former Moranbong Orchestra singer Hyeon Song Moon, but in April, the exposure of the third “mystery woman” increased further. At the inauguration of an 80-story apartment building in Pyongyang on April 11, she was near Kim Jong-un, carrying a black shoulder bag on her shoulder.

She was not wearing her “badge,” which is a national duty!

What is surprising is that she is not wearing the “Kim Il Sung/Kim Jong Il badge (portrait insignia). Wearing the portrait insignia on one’s chest is considered a national duty in North Korea. Only Kim Jong-un and his wife, Ri Sesuijin, are not required to wear it. Even his sister, Kim Yo Jong, wears the insignia. Shinichi Hen, editor-in-chief of Korea Report and an expert on the situation on the Korean Peninsula, said.

Instead of a portrait insignia, she wears a flower-shaped brooch. Just being near Kim Jong-un is a big deal, but not wearing the portrait insignia is not a joke. Kim Jong-un is not just a man. She must be higher in the party hierarchy than Kim Yo-jong. South Korean intelligence is trying to confirm the identity of the woman, but we don’t have any details.

The situation suggests that there is one person who can be expected to be involved in the case. Mr. Hen continues, “There are rumors among defectors in South Korea.

Kim Sesong, Kim Jong-un’s half-sister, is rumored to be among the South Korean defectors. Kim Seol Song is the daughter of former Party propaganda typist Kim Yong Suk, and is said to have been born in December 1974. If true, she would be 47 years old, about 10 years older than Kim Jong-un.

However, there has been little information on Kim Seol Song until now. She has studied in France, speaks five languages including Russian and Chinese, and is said to be an expert in the IT field. We cannot limit whether she is Kim Seok Song or not, but it is highly likely that she is of the “Baekdu bloodline,” the Kim family. The frequent appearance of her in the public eye must be a part of Kim Jong-un’s agenda.

On April 25, North Korea will celebrate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Korean People’s Army. While North Korea will celebrate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Korean People’s Army on April 25, a successful test launch of its latest ballistic missile is underway, while economic sanctions are making life difficult for the people of North Korea.

  • Photo From Korean Central Television

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