Hikaru Ijuin had a blast playing grass baseball the day after his “popular radio show” ended! | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Hikaru Ijuin had a blast playing grass baseball the day after his “popular radio show” ended!

Found the day after the end of "Hikaru Ijuin Torajito," a radio show that ran for six years!

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Let’s get excited! We’re here to get excited!”

A cheerful voice echoed in the brilliant sunshine of the Tokyo playing field. The voice belonged to Hikaru Ijuin, 54, a TV personality.

Whenever there was a chance, he would leap off the bench and give instructions to the runners in a loud voice with gestures and hand gestures. The opposing team laughed at him.

On March 24, “Hikaru Ijuin Torajito” (TBS Radio), a radio program that ran for six years, came to an end. It was reported that power harassment of announcers and staff was behind the program. However, when Ijuin appeared on the field the day after the show ended, leading his own grass baseball team, the “Big Ass Halls,” he showed an overly kind face.

Ijuin was watching the game as the manager, but when a player on his team advanced to third base early in the game, he jumped off the bench and

If you put too much effort into it, you’ll lose! Enjoy baseball!”

When a friendly infielder made an error in the top of the 5th inning

Don’t waver in your challenge!”

He also showed his magnanimity in dealing with a pitcher who had given up five runs after six innings.

This is the manager’s fault. I’m sorry!

Even in the midst of defeat, he seemed to be enjoying himself and was quick to chide the players from the bench, creating a friendly atmosphere on the field.

Ijuin-san is one of the biggest baseball fans in the entertainment world. He participates in the G League, a grass baseball league for comedians organized by the Butcher Brothers, and enjoys playing baseball every week,” said a source at TBS Radio.

In the final broadcast, Ijuin said that he would turn down offers to do radio shows for a whole school year. It looks like he will be able to enjoy his favorite grassroots baseball game for a while.

Unpublished cut from the magazine: Hikaru Ijuin having a great time at his favorite grass baseball game.

From the April 15, 2022 issue of FRIDAY

  • PHOTO Takayuki Ogawauchi

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