The Irony of Maya Kobayashi’s “Spiritual Tendency” Helping Ebizo Ichikawa | FRIDAY DIGITAL

The Irony of Maya Kobayashi’s “Spiritual Tendency” Helping Ebizo Ichikawa

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Maya Kobayashi and her husband, Gin Kunimitsu, have been “shooting off” their mouths at Ebizo Ichikawa. In her blog, she often talks about spiritual topics…

It seems that “revelations” are the most popular on You Tube.

The most popular You Tube channel right now is “Garcy Channel,” but it is Maya Kobayashi who has become a force to be reckoned with.

In late March, Kobayashi appeared on her ex-husband Gin Kunimitsu’s YouTube channel, “Gin Akira,” where she “shot down” her brother-in-law, Ebizo Ichikawa. A tremendous revelation unfolded.

He described the scene when Ebizo came to visit (Mao) in her hospital room.

I was like, “What? What do you want me to do? I can’t stay here for a moment, but I’m leaving.” “He left in five seconds.

He was in great pain and really struggling, but he was enjoying himself in his hospital room watching the horse races.

And from Mr. Mao, too.

I’m in pain, I’m in pain. I want to die.” “I want a divorce.”

She revealed that she had been consulting with him.

Maya also confessed that Mao was not allowed to receive standard treatment.

Although the story was quite shocking and hard to believe, many people expressed their sympathy for her.

Speaking of Ebizo, one may recall the assault that took place in November ’10. Ebizo was the victim, but as details of the incident were reported, it became clear that Ebizo was at fault, and the argument that he had it coming became stronger.

His drinking habits and bad behavior were well known to the media, but the public became aware of them, and the image of Ebizo, the “prince of the Kabuki world,” went downhill.

However, when Mao became ill and began her battle with illness, Ebizo’s devoted support for her came to the fore, and the image of Ebizo as the “Prince of Kabuki” was tarnished.

Ebizo has changed. He is no longer the Ebizo of old.

More and more people began to appreciate him. Then, at the press conference held at the time of Mao’s death, Ebizo’s stock skyrocketed. It is natural for a husband to support his wife devotedly if she is ill….

Since then, there have been no bad rumors, and Ebizo’s image is now that of a “good man who cares for his children,” as he posts images of himself playing with his children on his SNS, which he updates many times a day.

Then came Maya’s blow. Many viewers were a little concerned when they saw Maya screaming eccentrically next to Kunimitsu, who was staring straight ahead without blinking an eye. However, at the same time the video was distributed

Ebizo’s “SNS Papa Katsudo” (Women’s Seven, April 7-14 issue) and the report of his multiple relationships with several women revealed that Ebizo was playing around, leaving the care of his children to his mother-in-law.

The magazine also scooped a second story, “Two women who made Ebizo stay at ‘Mao-san’s memory house'” (April 21 issue). The second story in the April 21 issue of the same magazine was that Ebizo had two women staying with him at the “house in memory of Mao,” the “love nest” where Mao had lived with his family until just before his death and where he was currently practicing.

This report convinced more and more people that Maya was not delusional, and the number of voices criticizing Ebizo began to increase. This development left those involved in the Kabuki theater scratching their heads.

But if it’s true that he is doing something like daddy’s activities or picking up women on social networking sites, then I’m troubled. I don’t think this is something a person who stands behind traditional performing arts and who will become a living national treasure in the future would do.

It’s not just disgusting, it’s embarrassing. Also, if what Maya is saying is true, there are people who became fans out of sympathy for Ebizo, and it is possible that those people will leave.

Maya did not rest on her pursuit after that.

90 million yen has not been returned.
I was almost attacked at night.

On March 30, he updated his blog, repeating shocking statements such as the following. On March 30, he updated his blog, revealing that he had received an apology from Ebizo.

One would have thought that this would put an end to his “verbal attacks” on Ebizo, but in a blog entry on April 3, he wrote

《Write on your blog that it’s true that I contacted you with an apology: !!!!》

He seems to have become angry again, as he writes Furthermore, his own mother became a new target. One wonders how long Maya’s outburst will continue….

Meanwhile, Ebizo’s image is sure to be tarnished by Maya’s series of accusations, and it is inevitable that his fans will continue to drift away from him. The postponed Danjuro’s succession is also likely to be affected.

Ebizo is being pushed to the very edge of the ring. However, Maya’s “spiritual inclination” is said to be behind the lack of a “decisive blow.

On March 31, Maya published an article on her blog titled “Ghost Speech from Sayaka Kanda. She claimed that Sayaka Kanda, who passed away last December, had descended from her. Although it was a “letter from Mao,” it was dated March 24, 2022, making it appear as if it was a “letter from heaven.

In other words, we were confused as to which was the truth and which was a story from a spiritual worldview. Some of the people who sympathized with Maya may be sobered by this. videos like that she has made. The more he sends out the news, the more he is helping Ebizo as a result.

What many people want to hear from Maya is the truth about what happened. If that is not sorted out, the focus will become vague….

  • Interview and text Hiroyuki Sasaki (Entertainment Journalist)

    Born in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture, he became a reporter for FRIDAY at the age of 31. During his time at FRIDAY, he reported numerous scoops and continued to work mainly for weekly magazines. Currently he also appears on TV and radio as a commentator.

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