Nozomi Sasaki’s Determined Smile is a Picture of Strength for Staying Married to an Unfaithful Husband | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Nozomi Sasaki’s Determined Smile is a Picture of Strength for Staying Married to an Unfaithful Husband

I won't give my daughter to a YouTuber! Husband Ken Watanabe is struggling in his return to TV with "Anjush in Black and White.

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Sasaki looks on during a scene with co-star Junki Totsuka (29). The temperature was cool that day, and she occasionally showed concern for the staff.

Under cold weather in early March, a large-scale location shoot was taking place at America Bashi Park in Ebisu (Shibuya Ward). Standing on the sidewalk amid dozens of staff members was actress Nozomi Sasaki (34), wearing a bright blue coat. She had a serious expression on her face as she waited for her performance, but when a staff member approached her to fix her collar, she smiled and said, “Thank you.

She smiled and said, “Thank you very much. (TV Tokyo). Sasaki plays the heroine who is torn between two men, a YouTube star and a TV man, in this romantic comedy based on an idea by Akimoto Yasushi. She is attracting attention for her outspoken performance, including a “Detective Conan”-style cosplay during the film,” said a production company staff member.

Sasaki has been working hard to support the family budget since the affair with her husband, Ken Watanabe (49). In her acting career, she appeared in NHK’s morning drama “Come Come Everybody,” and her apparel brand “Antimite,” which she launched in 2005, is doing well.

In addition, she is a regular on the variety show “Tokoro JAPAN” (Kantera and Fuji TV). In the wake of her husband’s scandal, she initially increased her variety and other work to make a living for the family, but as a result, it became an opportunity for her to broaden her activities. In February of this year, her husband, Watabe, also made a comeback.

She made her first public appearance in a year and eight months on the Chiba local “B&W Anjush.” However, there is still strong internal and external opposition, and it is difficult for her to appear on a key station. She will have to start over from the stage. Sasaki says, ‘I will watch over my husband as he works hard from scratch.

Immediately after the scandal broke, this magazine’s reporters have seen Watabe take the lead in housework and childcare. Walking her dog, which Sasaki has owned since she was single, is now part of Watabe’s daily routine.

Immediately after the scandal broke, Watabe immediately apologized to his wife. His work has decreased dramatically, but he has shown his support for his family. Sasaki said she was originally attracted to Watanabe’s disciplined nature. Even though he had been unfaithful, he did not consider divorce because he felt that the part of him that he had fallen in love with had not changed.

Also, the reason Sasaki is working so energetically is because she is concerned that it would be difficult for Watabe to return to work if the unfaithful party is not active and healthy. As long as she is out in the open, viewers will remember Watabe.

This is the sixth year of their married life. We can’t take our eyes off Sasaki, who is working hard for the sake of her husband and children.

Unpublished photo: The real reason why Nozomi Sasaki continues to work hard in TV dramas and variety shows without getting divorced.
Nozomi Sasaki, the real reason why she continues to work hard in TV dramas and variety shows without getting divorced.

From the April 1-8, 2022 issue of FRIDAY

  • Photography Ippei Hara

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