How Can the “Key Man” Behind President Zelensky’s Information Strategy Turn Around the Table of Russian Invasion? | FRIDAY DIGITAL

How Can the “Key Man” Behind President Zelensky’s Information Strategy Turn Around the Table of Russian Invasion?

Behind Russia's Struggle is Anglo-American Logistical Support

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President Zelensky delivers a remote address to the Japanese Diet (AFLO)

Who wrote the speech for Japan?

Ukrainian President Zelensky addressed the Japanese Diet on March 23. What is the strategy of the famous speeches he gave in various countries, and who in the world is drawing up the strategy?

Behind this speech and strategy, there is a British and U.S. intelligence agency,” said a former foreign minister.

President Zelensky, who has addressed the parliaments of many countries, including the United Kingdom, Canada, and Germany, has called out Russian barbarism, drawing on the past history of the “Pearl Harbor attack” and the “Nazis” to force countries to take further action. Meanwhile, in Japan.

President Zelensky’s speech was full of empathy for other countries that have overcome the nuclear accident. He thanked Ukraine for its support and expressed deep gratitude for ‘putting pressure on Russia at the earliest opportunity. The speech was warm and full of empathy and gratitude.

He called for unlimited military support from the United States and harshly criticized Germany and France for their investments in Russia. But his message to Japan was, for the first time, in a conciliatory mood and conveyed that Japan was an unwavering “ally” in Asia. Behind this ‘strategy’ are consulting firms and British and U.S. intelligence agencies.

Ukraine’s strategy against Russia is said to make full use of carefully planned intelligence tactics. According to several government officials, including this former foreign minister, there are close ties to British and U.S. agencies and the presence of key persons.

The Identity of Zelensky’s Supporters

President Zelensky appointed Andrew Mack of the American law firm Asters, Inc. as Non-Executive Advisor to the President by Presidential Decree on November 5, 2019.

ANDREW MAC, of Asters, supports President Zelensky. (From Asters website)

Mr. Mack is a graduate of Lehigh University in the prestigious state of Pennsylvania, USA. After attending Vanderbilt Law School in Nashville, Tennessee, which is regarded as the Harvard of the South, he founded the law firm Asters, Inc. The firm also has an office in Washington.

Mack, who is also fluent in Ukrainian and Russian, has “deep practical experience in coordinating complex cross-border disputes and advising Ukrainian and CIS companies on their interactions with their US partners.”

President Zelensky, through his presidential advisor Andrew Mack, has over the past few years created close ties with Anglo-American government agencies.” In recent days, President Biden and President Zelensky have been talking on the hotline almost daily.

Kiev. 15 The reason we were able to push back when the Russians were closing in on us to the outskirts of the 3.5-kilometer area was the presence of U.S. military advisors in Kiev. It seems that Andrew Mack and other advisors serve as a hub and are responsible for coordination with Western countries, especially the U.S.” (Foreign Ministry career)

The U.S. military advisors have concentrated their AWACS early warning and control aircraft in the vicinity of Ukraine and are using drones to closely monitor Russian military movements, sending them to analysis teams in their home countries for analysis and providing information to the Ukrainian military. The accuracy of this information is astonishing.

The U.S. provides military support, and the U.K. collects information on Russia from key Russian officials who have defected to the country. The resignation of Anatoly Chuvaislo, Putin’s special representative for the coordination of international organizations, is believed to be the result of the involvement of U.S. and British intelligence agencies.

What can Japan, which has been “pro-Putin,” do?

Japan’s long-ruling Abe administration has been consistently “pro-Putin. They called each other “Vladimir” and “Shinzo” and “saw the same future. Prime Minister Fumio Kishida exchanged views with President Biden while walking with him at the G7. He conveyed his concern about North Korea’s ballistic missiles as well as his determination to strengthen solidarity with Western countries and NATO.

Prime Minister Kishida let it slip as he was on his way to Brussels on a special plane.

I don’t want to incite a war, but we have no choice but to strengthen international solidarity at this time.”

Prime Minister Kishida’s fatigue must be peaking after a series of visits to the Diet and foreign countries. However, perhaps in order to “strengthen international cohesion,” there was a sense of “elation” on his face.

The end of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine is not in sight. Is there anything that Japan, “the closest to Putin” among Western nations, can do? To stop the war? The power of the nations of the world is now being tested.

  • Interview and text Shutaro Iwashiro

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