Prime Minister Kishida snaps out of his fawning Putin diplomacy: “It’s all Russia’s fault. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Prime Minister Kishida snaps out of his fawning Putin diplomacy: “It’s all Russia’s fault.

To return the Northern Territories...What were the Japan-Russia "Peace Treaty Negotiations" all about?

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He visited Cambodia on March 20 and laid hands on the memorials of Yukimoto Ishiyama, a reporter who went missing while covering the civil war there, and Atsuhito Nakata, who was killed during a UN operation. In Ukraine, the lives of journalists are now in danger along with many civilians Photo: AFP/Afro

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida finally showed his vehemence in a vehement display of emotion.

All of this has occurred as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Russia’s response this time is extremely unjustified and absolutely unacceptable. On the contrary, Japan strongly protests against it.

At a meeting of the Budget Committee of the House of Councillors on the morning of March 22, Prime Minister Kishida spoke in an unusually strong tone of voice in response to the Russian Foreign Ministry’s statement on March 21 that “negotiations for a peace treaty with Japan” had broken down. A former foreign minister said.

The Foreign Ministry is now being pushed aside because military information from the U.S. is concentrated at the Prime Minister’s Office and the headquarters of the Self-Defense Forces in Ichigaya. Perhaps this is unavoidable under the current circumstances in which the war is expanding.

Today’s statement by Kishida is probably backed by information that Russia’s aggression against Ukraine will become even more serious. There may be a judgment that this will be an even bigger move in the next week or so.

Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe stopped speaking after meeting with the U.S. ambassador. He was pro-Putin. And the Ministry of Foreign Affairs now seems to have given up caring about Russia and China diplomatically.

This former foreign minister also says, “This war may be a cease-fire all at once. He added that the situation is so “extremely tense that the X-Day is approaching.

Whatever the form, Ukraine will continue to face atrocities and a chaotic political situation.

Why Kishida’s Cabinet’s Approval Rating Has Not Fallen

The most recent Kishida administration approval rating survey shows only a slight increase or a slight decrease in support, a small amplitude, and generally relatively high levels, but there is no clear “reason” for this.

Prime Minister Kishida’s administration and his strategy to minimize the number of lost points have been effective. Nothing is done, so there is no backlash. However, he has made his presence felt with this speedy ‘furious rebellion. On the other hand, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which feels that it has been hit over the head, is struggling right and left with this response” (source around Prime Minister Kishida).

Although the Kishida administration is facing a series of unforeseen circumstances, this is precisely the point at which its capacity as a politician is being questioned as to how it will navigate the impending domestic and international situation.

In this international crisis, we cannot manage the administration with a do-nothing strategy as we have done in the past. We must strengthen the administration, including cooperation with ministries and agencies.

At a time of looming energy-related crises and another call for the public to save electricity, the war in Eastern Europe is not a “distant event”. The administration’s wisdom, clear attitude, and leadership are expected.

  • Interview and text Shutaro Iwashiro Photo AFP/Afro

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