The “Concerns of the Emperor’s Family” Not Mentioned at Princess Aiko’s Coming-of-Age Press Conference | FRIDAY DIGITAL

The “Concerns of the Emperor’s Family” Not Mentioned at Princess Aiko’s Coming-of-Age Press Conference

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Princess Aiko recently held a coming-of-age press conference (AFLO)

I have heard that it was the decision of His Majesty the Emperor and His Imperial Highness Prince Akishino not to hold the Asami Ceremony and the Nasai Ceremony, so I will refrain from making any comments about the circumstances of Mako’s marriage.

This was the response of Princess Aiko, 20, the eldest daughter of the Emperor, to a question about Mako’s marriage at a press conference at the Imperial Palace on March 17.

Although she ostensibly refrained from answering the question, the emperor’s family has, of course, mentioned the marriage of Kei Komuro and Mako and the public’s reaction to it several times,” said a journalist from the Imperial Household.

When the Emperor himself was asked about Mako’s marriage at his birthday press conference this year, he said

I wish them a happy life together, but at the same time, I am distressed that we have caused so much worry to so many people during this time.

He said, “I am very happy to be here.

As you can see from these words, His Majesty wishes them both happiness, but at the same time, I hear that there are two things he is worried about.

Specifically, they are concerned about the impact of Mr. Komuro’s marriage on the Imperial Household as a whole and on Princess Eugene.

Mako declined the lump-sum wedding payment of approximately 150 million yen, the first time this has happened since the end of World War II. Moreover, they are living in the U.S., where they have little familiarity with the land, and the Emperor and his family are concerned about whether the couple is able to live their days safely and securely.

The reason for the lump sum is defined as “to provide for the maintenance of dignity as a member of the royal family.

For example, Mr. Komuro’s rough fashion when he re-applied for the bar exam was reported, to which there were ‘harsh comments’ within the Imperial Household Agency. They thought it was undignified. Of course, His Majesty the Emperor is aware of this, and I hear that he is concerned about the impact on the ‘relationship of trust between the people and the Imperial Family,’ which His Majesty values so highly.

In this regard, one Imperial Household Agency official said.

“At a press conference last year, His Majesty the Emperor referred to their marriage as ‘I hope that Princess Mako will have a good discussion with her parents and, as Prince Akishino said, that many people will be satisfied and happy with the situation. Subsequently, Mr. Komuro released a lengthy document and the two held a press conference together, but the ‘situation that many people will be satisfied and pleased with’ did not quite materialize, and they were unable to hold ceremonies such as the Asami Ceremony and the Nasai Ceremony. For the time being, the situation has dragged on, and His Majesty may be concerned about this point.

On the other hand, what does the Emperor’s family think about Eugene?

The Komuro incident has led to a sense of distrust among the public toward the Akishino family, and His Majesty is concerned that this might spread to Prince Eugene, and it seems to be shared by the family.

It is likely that communication between His Majesty the Emperor and Prince Akishino will become closer in the future.

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