Yukina Kinoshita Reveals She Is “in a Position to Receive Alimony” from Ex-Husband Toshifumi Fujimoto | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Yukina Kinoshita Reveals She Is “in a Position to Receive Alimony” from Ex-Husband Toshifumi Fujimoto

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Yukina Kinoshita stands in public for the first time in two and a half years. She said that she is releasing a photo book as a “civilian…

When we divorced, I was originally in a position to receive alimony, but I decided that I would not receive such a thing…” (excerpt)

What Yukina Kinoshita posted on Instagram Stories on the evening of March 17 seemed to be filled with anger somewhere deep inside.

It all started when her ex-husband, Toshifumi Fujimoto of the comedy duo “FUJIWARA The comments were made on the Kansai local variety show “Monkumon” (Yomiuri TV) on March 13.

Fujimon is paying a little to the other side (ex-wife’s side)?”

When asked

I pay all the school fees…”

and that Fujimoto pays the school fees for their two daughters.

This made the Internet news, and it was reported as if Mr. Fujimoto was supporting them financially. However, Ms. Kinoshita was not satisfied with this and took to Instagram to refute it.

Kinoshita wrote her thoughts on Instagram Stories on the 17th.

As for the school fees and other matters that are now being singled out by my ex-husband’s comments, I was originally in a position to receive alimony when we divorced, but I decided that I would not receive such things and that he, as a father of two, should be the one to pay the “school fees. His comments have been the subject of speculation and various media reports, but he has not received any living expenses. I am writing this after talking with my ex-husband to correct this.

What concerns me here is not so much the living expenses, but the statement, ” I was in a position to receive alimony, but…. It is assumed that both parties had their own lawyers when they divorced, but the fact that Kinoshita was in a position to receive alimony is the same as claiming that “Fujimoto was at fault.

Kinoshita has released a photo book and is in love with soccer player Hidetoshi Sanko in his private life. Moreover, Fujimoto was actively involved in child rearing, and although they had broken up, they were not on bad terms.

So why did he make such a “bombshell” statement that would cause trouble for Fujimoto? Was she angry about the statement, “I’m paying all the tuition fees…” (Source: a person involved in a wide-ranging TV show)

At the press conference for the release of the photo book on March 17, “Did you report to your ex-husband, Fujimoto?” When asked by a reporter

I have not. I thought you would see it through the media.”

Kinoshita answered in a curt manner, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. On the night of the press conference, she blurted out the above “revelation” on Instagram.

At the time of the divorce, a meeting was held between Ms. Kinoshita, Ms. Fujimoto, and people from each other’s offices. Reporters did not learn the details of the meeting when they inquired about it, and the details were not disclosed to the public at all. It is highly likely that both parties agreed not to talk about it.

If that is the case, it seems a bit mature for Ms. Kinoshita to reveal the “alimony” matter now. Did Mr. Fujimoto really agree to disclose that much? If he was so angry that he unilaterally exposed himself, this could be a big deal…” (reporter from a sports newspaper)

If Kinoshita, who had caused such a stir, was “in a position to receive compensation,” one wonders what exactly happened…

  • PHOTO Keisuke Nishi

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