Putin’s Plan For Worst-Case Scenario: Radiation Contamination Leading to Ukraine’s Annihilation | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Putin’s Plan For Worst-Case Scenario: Radiation Contamination Leading to Ukraine’s Annihilation

All operations were decided behind closed doors. Sensing the threat of assassination, a security force was placed around the perimeter.

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President Putin is willing to use nuclear weapons. The international community is accusing him of failing to make sound judgments.

According to internal FSB documents, Russia planned to occupy Kiev by March 5. Ukrainian resistance has been greater than expected, and the Russian military has suffered heavy casualties.

The damage from the double economic sanctions by the public and private sectors of Western countries is also enormous, and the earlier document continued,’If the war continues as is, the Russian economy will collapse by June. If the war becomes protracted and turns into a guerrilla war, Ukraine will have the advantage of receiving support from the Western countries in its hinterland, “said journalist Kosuke Tsuneoka.

President Vladimir Putin, 69, continues to run amok. Indiscriminate missile attacks by Russian troops on urban civilian areas have intensified, killing as many as 3,000 Ukrainians. (On March 4, Ukrainian authorities announced that the Zaporizha nuclear power plant, one of the largest in Europe, had been overrun; on March 7, the Negotiations for a third cease-fire have failed to produce an agreement, and the war has become a quagmire.

Putin is more frustrated and deranged than ever by the unexpected hardship and harsh economic sanctions. He is unable to make his usual calm and collected decisions. Putin is now leaving Moscow to avoid the risk of assassination. He is accompanied by a 40-member security force and a small entourage.

Among them is Nikolai Patrushev, 70, a colleague from the days of the former Soviet secret police, the KGB, in whom Putin has complete confidence. He is a man considered dangerous because of his intense patriotism and Nazi-like behavior. He is the head of the security sector, and it is believed that Putin and he decided on this invasion and operation behind closed doors. “(Moscow Bureau reporter for a national newspaper)

The Russian military has resorted to the use of fuel vaporization bombs and cluster bombs, which have extremely high killing power, and has also hinted at the use of nuclear weapons. Itsuro Nakamura, a professor at Tsukuba University and an expert on Russian politics, warns , “President Putin is about to make his’worst move.

I think he has already given up on the annexation of Ukraine. So what is Putin thinking? It is only one possibility, but it could be the destruction of the nuclear reactor at the Zaporizha nuclear power plant and the annihilation of Ukraine due to radioactive contamination Ukraine is the same Slavic nation that is the root of Russia. The idea is to destroy it rather than let it be taken by the enemy.

In fact, when Napoleon invaded Russia in the 19th century, politicians burned Moscow on their own orders. Napoleon withdrew, saying,’There is no point in occupying it. Putin has used that anecdote as a’Russian victory’ and has used it as He is willing to make any sacrifice for the sake of his country’s security. That is how devoted Putin is to ultimate patriotism. In his current state of mind, he could do anything.

Is there any way to stop President Putin? Mr. Tsuneoka, a former president of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, asked.

No matter how unfavorable the situation becomes, he will never withdraw from the war. The only way to stop Putin is to assassinate him or topple his regime. But the fact is that there are still many Putin supporters, especially among the middle-aged and older generation. This is because the Russian people are not yet in trouble with their lives. How much the future economic sanctions will affect the Russian people will be the deciding factor in their fate. “

Will the invasion of Ukraine bring down the curtain on Putin’s regime, or will he use nuclear weapons? The situation continues to be unpredictable.

The Zaporizhia nuclear power plant has been overrun by Russian forces. If radiation leaks out, all of Europe will be contaminated.

From the March 25, 2022 issue of FRIDAY

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