“Bicycle Race Live Broadcast During Travel Program”: The True Aim of TV TOKYO’s Bold Strategy | FRIDAY DIGITAL

“Bicycle Race Live Broadcast During Travel Program”: The True Aim of TV TOKYO’s Bold Strategy

The Staff Saw It! Behind the Scenes of Weekly TV

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The 64th All-Star Bicycle Race (G1), a big race broadcasted by TV Tokyo on August 15, is causing a stir.

Shigeoka (left) and Taiga Nakano on location for “#FamilyRecruitment. The Tokyo Olympics and Nakano’s new corona infection also caused the broadcast schedule to be torn apart.

“In the case of terrestrial broadcasts of public sporting events, popular celebrities are used as MCs in order to attract viewers other than fans, but Tereto’s bicycle race broadcasts were different. It was a collaboration with the weekday program “Lunch Trip – Show us your food”, and the live broadcast of the “All Star Bicycle Race” started while they were interviewing visitors to the racecourse, asking them to show us their food. The fans of “Lunch Trip” who were watching without knowing it voiced their confusion,” said a sports newspaper reporter in charge of public sports.

In fact, Teredo has been in the news before for its bold program structure like this one. In fact, Teredo has been in the news before for its bold program structure like this one. Yaku Maru (55) and Miyuki Kasaka (58) MC the information program “Nanairo Nichiwa! The same technique is also used in “Nanairo Nichiwa!

The MCs interact with each other for about five minutes at the beginning of the program, and then a mail order project by “Japanet Takata” is aired for about 30 minutes. The two MCs only appear for about 10 minutes. The two MCs only appear for about 10 minutes in total, while the reporters and mail-order hosts spend more time on the show,” said a TV Tokyo insider.

The reason behind the increase in the number of special programs is the decrease in advertising costs for TV stations.

(TV Tokyo insider) The reason behind the increase in the number of special programs is also due to the decrease in TV stations’ advertising costs. “While more and more companies are focusing on Internet advertising, the new corona pandemic has caused a sharp drop in TV stations’ advertising revenues. Public sports, which are strong in recessions, are valuable sponsors, so they need to come up with ideas on how to structure their programs to make them more effective, and focusing on mail-order and video services is also essential for their survival.

According to a TV magazine reporter, the current drama series “#Family Wanted” (TBS) starring Daiki Shigeoka, 29, of Johnny’s West, “has become a hot topic of discussion because of its excessive attention to the sponsor.

“Perhaps it’s because Airdog, an air purifier, is one of the sponsors of the show, and air purifiers are often shown in the movie. At first, some viewers thought it was a foreshadowing of something. At first, some viewers thought it was a foreshadowing, but it turned out to be just a discovery (laughs). Recently, whenever the company’s air purifier is shown, there are a lot of tweets teasing that it is “here comes the air purifier. Maybe it had an advertising effect?

It seems that the line between TV programs and advertisements will become increasingly blurred in the future.

“In December last year, a special drama was aired in collaboration with JRA (Japan Racing Association) and Fuji TV. The number of programs that strongly reflect the intentions of sponsors is increasing. However, if they are too blatant, they may be recognized as “steaming,” and the government may issue guidance. Each station is trying to find the right balance.

(Key station producers) This could be a factor that could cause more and more viewers to flee from terrestrial broadcasting.

From “FRIDAY” September 17, 2021 issue

  • PHOTO Yusuke Kondo

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