Nuclear Attack, Starvation Strategy, Nuclear Weapons…Putin’s Cruelty Has No Limit! | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Nuclear Attack, Starvation Strategy, Nuclear Weapons…Putin’s Cruelty Has No Limit!

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The ruins in Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city, under attack by Russian troops (Image: AFP / Afro)

There is a high risk that the operation will not go as planned and an impatient President Putin will resort to even crueler measures. These could include indiscriminate bombing of civilians and devastating attacks that would severely impact nuclear facilities. “

British Chief of Defense Staff Tony Radakin appeared on the BBC, the country’s media outlet, on March 6, and feared that Russian President Vladimir Putin, 69, would launch a more inhumane attack against Ukraine.

The Russian military offensive has grown in intensity and brutality: after taking control of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in northern Ukraine on February 25, they took over the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in the south on March 4. For the first time in history, they attacked an operating nuclear power plant.

Zaporizhzhia has six reactors and is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe. It has six reactors, the largest in Europe, and a total of 2,200 tons of spent nuclear fuel. If the attack had hit the reactors, the damage would have been ten times Greater than the Chernobyl accident that occurred in April 1986. The worst in human history. Not only the whole of Europe, but the entire northern hemisphere would have been contaminated with an unimaginable amount of fuel material. On March 6, the Russian military also attacked the eastern “Institute of Physics and Technology” where a small nuclear reactor is located.

It is said that President Putin has two aims: first, to take control of the nuclear facilities and cut off the power supply. The other is to fabricate a nuclear weapon in Ukraine. The Russian authorities have pointed out that Ukraine is into a ‘dirty-bomb-making” Neo-Nazi. Ukraine, on the other hand, has countered that Russia’s occupation of its nuclear facilities was to fabricate evidence of nuclear arms and make up a cause for invasion.

Genocide is happening

Russia’s outrages are not limited to its nuclear facilities; on March 4, it laid siege to the southeastern city of Mariupol. Many homes and hospitals have been destroyed, and electricity, water, and other infrastructure have been completely shut down. The city’s mayor, Voychenko, stated that “Russia is conducting a starvation strategy,” and he expressed his plight to CNN and other media outlets in the United States.

There is no gas, no electricity, no water. We have run out of food and medicine. Russia is trying to completely seal off the city, just like in Leningrad. 

Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) is the second largest city in the former Soviet Union, where Germany and Russia fought a fierce battle during World War II. More than 1 million people, including civilians, were killed in the battle, and more than 95 % of them are said to have died of starvation.

It is reported that the Russian military has not observed the temporary ceasefire that was established to evacuate civilians to the outskirts of The city’s deputy mayor, Mr. Orlov, told the BBC, “The Russian army is not observing the ceasefire that was set up to evacuate the suburbs of the city.

The attack is continuous and civilians are unable to leave their shelters and escape. A Real genocide is happening now!

Is there no longer a safe place in Ukraine?

The international human rights organization said that cluster bombs may have been used in the second largest city, Kharkiv. The use of cluster bombs (cluster munition ) is banned by international treaty and is a horrific weapon known as a’small nuclear weapon’. Bombs are built into a large warhead, and when they explode, they burn a wide area without mercy. It is an inhumane and horrific weapon.

Russian authorities state that much of this information is “fake news” created by Ukraine and Western countries. However, it is true that President Putin has suggested the use of nuclear missiles. The danger of a worst-case scenario in human history is growing by the day.

  • Photo AFP/Afro

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