Jun Tamura, the “smart” guy who beat the “bomber” of the entertainment world to the punch. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Jun Tamura, the “smart” guy who beat the “bomber” of the entertainment world to the punch.

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Jun Tamura reveals his friendship with “Garcy” Higashitani, a YouTuber who has been attracting attention as an exposé-type YouTuber.

Yoshikazu Azumaya’s Gurshi Ch [Behind-the-scenes of the entertainment world]” is probably the one that is shaking the entertainment world the most at the moment. The show is said to have a very high “industry viewership” as well as general viewership, as it reveals unique “entertainment information” one after another.

Mr. Azumaya claims to have taken care of numerous celebrities and actors over the past 27 years while running his own restaurant and apparel company. He also says that he has built up trust and increased his personal connections by attending to them free of charge and by gathering women together.

He has also been a trusted figure in the industry for many years. He is now taking revenge on celebrities who did not extend a helping hand when he was in trouble by revealing their secrets…. For example, he revealed information about a famous celebrity who has been cast in an NHK TV series, and it caused a huge uproar.

Higashitani’s confession is truly a “bomb” for celebrities. One of his oldest celebrity associates is Jun Tamura of “London Boots No. 1 and No. 2.

According to Higashitani, they have been friends since Jun was in his early 20s. When asked about Mr. Azumaya on YouTube, Jun admitted that they were “friends. In the interview, he said

I don’t want to be exposed…”

He dared to reveal the “secret” himself before Mr. Azumaya told him.

According to Jun, Mr. Higashitani was very close to Gentleman Shimada, and one day Mr. Higashitani said, “I’m having a drink with Gentleman Shimada, would you like to come? When he was told that he was afraid of Mr. Gentleman, he refused the offer, saying that he was afraid of him.

Jun said, “I don’t want that line to be revealed,” but it was a good move to reveal his friendship and make the story public. It is not a particularly bad thing, but it gives a much lighter impression than if someone else had revealed it.

Although Jun probably had no trouble being exposed to begin with, Higashitani updated his You Tube page on the 5th in response to Jun’s confession. In a video titled “I’ll talk about Jun Rombo’s video,” he said that he did not want to involve him in this matter.

In the video, he said, “I’m still your friend. I think it’s only a risk to call me a friend now. (I think it’s very wise of him to make the first move like that.

He appreciated this.

A decade ago, scandals were the exclusive domain of weekly magazines and other media outlets, but with the proliferation of social networking services, ordinary people can now expose scandals. However, information provided by the general public tends to be “grudge-ridden,” and it is difficult to discern the authenticity of the information.

In such an environment, it is unprecedented for a person like Mr. Azumaya, who has been directly involved with celebrities, to reveal his face and reveal evidence such as scans of his LINEs one after another. Mr. Azumaya has become an “invincible man” with nothing to lose. It is as if he is self-destructing along with the celebrities by exposing his own “badness” as well.

Mr. Azumaya has truly become the “bombastic man” of the entertainment industry. The number of his victims is likely to continue to spread, but it seems that Jun “Rombu” has managed to avert the crisis with his own cleverness.

  • PHOTO Sota Shima

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