Former Nichi-Dai Chancellor Hidetoshi Tanaka’s “Shut up! | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Former Nichi-Dai Chancellor Hidetoshi Tanaka’s “Shut up!

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Shut up.”

On the morning of February 15, a reporter directly asked me in front of my home, “How are you feeling right now? Hidehisa Tanaka, 75, mumbled when asked, “I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to do it again. The first trial of Tanaka, former chancellor of Nihon University, was held at the Tokyo District Court on the same day. He is accused of violating the Income Tax Law by concealing income of approximately 120 million yen and evading taxes of approximately 52 million yen.

On the morning of February 15, Tanaka left his home in Asagaya, Tokyo, for the district court, glaring at FRIDAY’s camera.

Tanaka was dressed in a black suit and red tie and looked a little gaunt. He also fully admitted the charges against him, saying, ‘I have no intention to fight.

In addition to his first trial, Tanaka is currently preoccupied with other issues. Tanaka’s wife is not feeling well, and the day before his first trial, a nursing bed was delivered to their home. Despite the fact that he is in a crying situation, he is still in high spirits, telling a reporter as much as he did at the beginning of this article. Why is this? A source close to Nichi-Dai tells us.

A person who was Tanaka’s protege at Nihon University has recently appeared in Nagatacho and other places and is going around saying that he will be the next chancellor. We do not know to what extent Mr. Tanaka’s intentions are at work, but many people involved with Nihon University are concerned that Mr. Tanaka’s influence may be preserved.

There are still many “Tanaka factions” within Nichidai. The Don is still the Don no matter how weak he may be.

From the March 4, 2022 issue of FRIDAY

  • Photography Shinji Hasuo

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