Hakuho’s “room establishment is in turmoil,” a special circumstance. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Hakuho’s “room establishment is in turmoil,” a special circumstance.

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He has a stern expression on his face in the ring, but is usually very active in fan service. The photo was taken in May 2011, when he drank with several women until morning.

Hakuho’s “room” has been decided at a prime location in Asakusa.

In January of this year, the Shukan Bunshun (weekly magazine) reported that former Hakuho (36), now the Mamagaki stablemaster, was going to establish a new stable. The target site was the land and building of a long-established ryotei restaurant “Hisagoan” in Asakusa, which closed last July. According to the magazine, Hakuho is planning to purchase the land, which is approximately 5.5 square meters in area, and the building, which has five stories above ground and one below, for approximately 500 million yen.

Hakuho has long had the intention of establishing a stable in an area where traditional Japanese culture remains strong. Hyouan” was a prestigious ryotei restaurant established 75 years ago near the tourist attractions Kaminarimon and Senso-ji Temple. It is known to have been used by many Kabuki actors and ambassadors to Japan from various countries. The surrounding area still retains a Showa-era atmosphere, and would be the perfect place for Hakuho’s intentions.

Hakuho is currently the stablemaster of the Miyagino stable. His master, Miyagino Oyakata, will turn 65 and retire this August, and Hakuho will automatically succeed to the stable. The reason for taking the trouble to build a new stable is that it is too cramped. There are about 20 rikishi in the Miyagino stable, including Ishiura and Flameho. Hakuho has been looking for a place with an area of about 330 square meters where he can practice with ease even with a large group, and has been thinking of moving there since he was active.

The former ryotei restaurant in Asakusa matches Hakuho’s intentions in terms of both space and atmosphere. I thought there would be no obstacles. ……

In a prime Ginza location: ……

Nearly two months after the Shukan Bunshun report appeared, we have not heard of any progress in the talks. What is going on?

At first, the sponsors and managers of the Hakuho Cup, a children’s sumo tournament, were looking for a place in Ginza, a prestigious district in Tokyo. In Ginza, there is a restaurant called ‘H’ run by a former chankoban of the Miyagino stable. I was thinking of using that as a foothold to open a room. However, due to the nature of the land, the budget we had in mind was not sufficient and we had to abandon the idea.

The next candidate site was Nihonbashi, where I found a property worth about 2 billion yen about two years ago. The location was not in the center of a forest of department stores such as Mitsukoshi and Takashimaya, but in the quieter Nihonbashi-Kakigaracho area. The manager’s side wanted to proceed with the negotiations at this property,” said a person related to the Miyagino stable.

Kakigaracho is a commercial and business district. It is hard to say that it strongly reflects the ancient culture of Japan. Taking Hakuho’s wishes into consideration, Mrs. Sayoko was working through a different route. Last summer, she caught wind that the aforementioned long-established ryotei restaurant was up for sale.

Mrs. Shiraho would probably want the room to better embody her husband’s idea of valuing traditional culture. The price is much cheaper than Kakigaracho. According to Shukan Bunshun, she and Hakuho have already greeted the proprietress of the former ryotei restaurant.

Managerial property vs. Mrs. property. Which will the “Hakuho Room” settle down?

The situation is a bit confusing at the moment, but I think it will end up at a ryotei in Asakusa. Hakuho will give priority to the opinion of his wife, who is his relative, rather than that of the manager. He also seems to have a concrete plan, such as making the room glass-walled so that anyone can observe his training.

However, as mentioned above, the master, Miyagino Oyakata, will retire in August this year. If he is considering a move at the time of his succession to the name, he will not be able to take his time.

  • Photographed by Yasuko Funamoto

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