Female Chinese Gold Medalist Bashed for Leaving Homeland | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Female Chinese Gold Medalist Bashed for Leaving Homeland

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Gu, from the United States, won three medals for China. At one time, he was hailed as a “hero.” …… (Image: AFP/Afro)

People’s Hero”.

There is a woman who has been hailed as a “people’s hero” and has become a star in China. This is the case with freestyle skier Gu Ailing (18), who won a gold and three silver medals at the Beijing Winter Olympics. Until now, China has only won one gold medal in skiing at the Winter Olympics. With three medals this year (gold in big air and halfpipe, silver in slow style), Gu has become China’s “savior.

Gu was born in San Francisco, California, in September 2003 to an American father and a Chinese mother. She was born in San Francisco, California in September 2003. Her English name is Irene Gu and she has represented the United States at the World Championships. She has also worked as a model for Gucci and Louis Vuitton. It is said that she has nearly 30 sponsorship contracts with companies.

It was in 2007 that Tani suddenly became a Chinese citizen. She said it was to participate in the Beijing Olympics, and explained at the time, “I want to be a Chinese citizen. At the time, she explained, “China (not the U.S.) is my home. She speaks fluent Chinese and is a very popular person who is in demand for TV programs and commercials.

Tani’s popularity has skyrocketed, and after the Beijing Olympics, she will appear in more than 20 corporate advertisements. The contract amount is nearly 10 billion yen, and the reward from the Chinese authorities for winning three medals is said to be about 11.5 billion yen. However, …….

The ‘hero’ turned into a fierce bashing situation on the Chinese version of Twitter, Weibo.

Are you abandoning your homeland?

The Chinese Internet is lined with harsh words against Gu.

“Big money thief!


“Traitor.” “Runaway athlete.”

What happened to the glorious medalist? It all started with a comment he made in an interview with the U.S. newspaper “USA Today” on February 21.

He said, “After the Olympics, I’m going to go back to the U.S. and study at (the prestigious) Stanford University. I like skiing, but I can’t say for sure if I will compete in the future. He did not say whether he would continue to compete for China. The People’s Daily, the official newspaper of the Communist Party of China, quoted Tani’s interview in its report. The Internet reacted immediately. Perhaps his patriotism was aroused, or perhaps he said, “You’re abandoning your homeland,” or “Don’t ever come to China again! (writer in China).

Tani also responded, writing on “Weibo” on February 22, expressing her gratitude to China.

I spent the most wonderful two weeks of my life. I had the most wonderful two weeks of my life, thanks to the support of my coach and sponsors.

I’m really honored to be a part of this great team. I’m still in Beijing.

A beautiful athlete who has antagonized many people in China with her comments. Despite her great achievements, the end of the Olympics left a bad taste in her mouth.

  • Photo AFP/Afro

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