The story behind Tanukana’s “No human rights for those under 5’10” | FRIDAY DIGITAL

The story behind Tanukana’s “No human rights for those under 5’10”

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Professional gamer Tanukana has come under fire for her inappropriate comments about men’s heights and women’s breasts. Her good looks made her popular in the gaming world, but… (From the official Twitter)

Tanukana’s inappropriate comments and stance during the game were unacceptable to us, and we have decided to terminate her contract.

On February 17, the professional eSports team “CYCLOPS athlete gaming” announced that they have terminated the contract of professional gamer “Tanukana”, who made discriminatory remarks during video streaming.

Tanukana made a video on February 15th, and in an exchange with a general user, she said

If you’re not 170 centimeters tall, you don’t have any human rights, so if you’re not 170 centimeters tall, please live your life thinking, ‘I don’t have any human rights. Please consider bone lengthening surgery. If you’re 170, you’ll have human rights.

She said. Even to some of the protesting users

You can’t have human rights if you’re a little guy. Don’t get carried away.

Don’t get carried away.

Less than two days later, Tanukana lost his job. Not only her team, but also her sponsor, Red Bull, removed her name from their list of athletes. No announcement has been made yet, but there is a possibility that she will be punished accordingly.

Late at night on the 15th, just after the commotion, Tanukana wrote

It was pointed out to me that the content of the distribution was hate speech. I didn’t mean it that way, but it seems that there are many people who found it offensive, so I retract it. I was just trying to say that I like tall people… I’m sorry that my words came out badly in my usual delivery, I’m sorry~…

I was just trying to say that I like tall people… I was just trying to say that I like tall people.

In addition to her height, Tanukana also said that women with A-cup breasts do not have human rights. She said, “It’s the same as that. In other words, she had made enemies of many people, both men and women. She deleted all of her posts on Instagram and YouTube after the uproar, probably to avoid causing trouble for her sponsors. However, the sponsors could not tolerate being perceived as a company that supports people who say things like this, so they immediately cancelled the contract.

(Sports paper reporter) Tanukana regretted that it was “a usual delivery and a family affair,” but a TV station insider said that was not the real problem.

Most people would never make such a comment in public. But there are some people who do. The problem is that “half-amateurs” who have not received any education in order to be exposed to the media are afraid of being exposed as professionals. At TV stations, people are given a sour taste of what kind of weight they should give to what they say.

Even if the professionals are paying close attention, they still occasionally misspoke on live TV. It is only natural that an accident occurred when a “half-amateur” like Ms. Tanukana was broadcasting live, doing whatever she wanted in the privacy of her own home.

It is said that the mouth is the source of all misfortune, but it is quite rare for a person to be “disgraced” in such an instant. I hope he will seriously reflect on what he said and show his talent again…

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