Princess Kiko and Mr. Komuro’s mother, both the same age… What their lives have given to Princess Mako
A princess who grew up without any problems wants to protect the "minimum level of freedom" she sought.

It’s been almost 10 days since the news broke that Princess Mako of Akishino and Kei Komuro would be getting married within the year. Both are 29 years old. It has been four years since the announcement of their engagement, and it was thought that they would finally get married, but it was not announced by the Ministry of the Interior, and the truth remains unknown.
During this time, the public was still bashing the two families, saying that there was no way they could be allowed to marry, and that their parents were …… in the first place. There is talk that Princess Mako has stated that she does not want the ceremony or the lump sum, but even so, it is unlikely that she will receive the “blessing of the people” now that she is in a state of being a mother-in-law to 100 million people.
“The legend of the “passionate princess who went through a great love affair
I think it’s amazing that they were able to keep their love alive through four years of long-distance relationship in their twenties. I’m sure there are many reasons why she had to stick with Mr. Komuro, but at least the announcement of her decision last November was remarkable.
“For us, each other is an irreplaceable presence that we can lean on in times of happiness and unhappiness, and marriage is a necessary choice for us to live while carefully protecting our own hearts.”
What woman in her twenties could write such a great sentence? I wonder if there is any woman in her twenties who can write such a great sentence. Endless passion emanates from her calm writing.
Personally, I think it is the “feelings of the person” that are important no matter what their position is, and that people should be free in general. In this country, where the prime minister is allowed to quit his post and throw away his responsibilities, I still can’t understand why the marriage of the uchikohin is so much of a public bashing. I also don’t understand why, in a country where 26 billion yen is spent on a single mask, 100 million or so yen for the HIH Princess is so reprehensible.
My impressions of Princess Mako may differ depending on whether you see her as an individual, even though she is a member of the Imperial Family, or as a member of the Imperial Family, even though she is an individual. The weight of one’s feelings toward the Imperial Family may vary from person to person, but the organization of the Imperial Family itself can be seen as a symbol or remnant of the patriarchal system that continues to this day and makes life difficult for many people.
Half-hearted Freedom
No one can choose where they are born, their parents, or their environment. Even Princess Mako was not born into the Imperial Family because she wanted to. As she grows up, she may naturally understand the differences between her position and that of others, but in this day and age, it is impossible to block out information, and even members of the Imperial Family have the freedom to choose their university. However, it is no wonder that this half-hearted freedom leads to a craving for more freedom.
Let’s say you meet a guy you like and you ride the train together. While you are happily conversing with him, you suddenly see the eyes of a security guard glaring at you from a little distance. I realize that I am always being watched. I wonder if the “people inside” the Imperial Family are living such an “inconvenient” life.
“Some people complain that they are living off the taxpayers’ money, but it is not because they personally wanted to do so. It is a problem with the system. There are plenty of other people who are living off the taxpayers’ money, to put it mildly. And, except for the members of the Imperial Family, they should be guaranteed a “minimum level of freedom.
Kei Komuro, who seems to be somewhat of a man eater
The Princess, who grew up without any inconvenience, might have felt forced to live the most inconvenient life.
What attracted her to Mr. Komuro was her inner freedom. Neither Mr. Komuro himself has committed any crime nor his mother has been indicted. In April this year, Mr. Komuro released a 28-page document to dispel the various allegations made against his mother. At least he thought he wrote it sincerely, but people were baffled by the sheer number of pages before the content.
He claimed that he was not in debt, but a few days later he added that he was ready to pay. Looking at his life as a whole, there was no denying that he had become somewhat of an eater, but there was no tendency to tolerate him because he was a young man in his twenties.
I think that Princess Mako was hoping that this document would ease the “unconvincing” atmosphere of the public, even if only a little. She thought that if they explained the situation sincerely, people would understand. That may be the princess’s naivete, but it is also a sign that she is not mired in worldliness. And she was prepared to bear the blame of the world, not her lover abroad.
This makes me want to make a leap of faith and speculate that Komuro’s decision to go to law school abroad may not have been his own, but rather that of Princess Mako.
Noriko and Mom Komuro, who are the same age, have opposite lives.
It is widely reported that Princess Mako has a special place in her heart for her mother Komuro. From her point of view, Mako is the same age as her own mother, but after her husband’s death, she raised her “beloved” by herself. Two women who were born two weeks apart and grew up at the exact same time.
The mother, Princess Noriko, who made the transition from the private sector to a “caged bird” by choice, and the mother, Kayo Komuro, who has lived her life in the public eye. It’s not a question of who is better or worse, but I think that for Princess Mako, her mother Komuro was the first woman she came into direct contact with who represented the private sector. It would not be surprising if she had some kind of respect for her. The Komuro mother and son may have had an “ambition” that she had never been exposed to before. People may call it ambition, but from the point of view of Princess Mako, it must have been a kind of “ambition” that she had never had or needed to have.
Still, it’s a tough job, Mako.
As an ordinary citizen who has been watching her in the press since she was born, that is my true feeling. However, I am struck by her serene yet intense passion. It is the kind of single-minded and, in a sense, stubbornly straightforward love that only a princess can have. That’s why I hope that the love she gambled her twenties on will bear fruit. When they get married and become ordinary people, they will have the freedom to get a divorce.
“The term “elopement marriage” is being thrown around a lot, but I think it would be a good idea if they could just get over the bashing and decide to go their separate ways. The fact that this is slowly being reported as an established fact suggests that we are moving in that direction. The thoughts of an individual are heavy.
There is an old saying from the Edo period: “Anyone who interferes with a person’s love life should be kicked to death by a horse. Don’t be wild. It is tactless to interfere with someone’s love life.
Reporting and writing: Sanae Kameyama