A 42-year-old company employee with a wife and child strangled a 23-year-old college student | FRIDAY DIGITAL

A 42-year-old company employee with a wife and child strangled a 23-year-old college student

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What happened to a man and a woman with a 19-year age difference (Photo: Image) (Image: Afro)

Oh, I think my husband killed a woman.

When investigators rushed to the designated studio apartment in response to the 110 call, they found the body of a woman lying on the bed. The deceased was a 23-year-old college student who lived in this room.

On January 28, the Koganei Police Department of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department arrested Ippei Maruyama (42), a company employee living in Tama City, Tokyo, on suspicion of murder. The victim was Reina Yonemaru (23), a female college student living on the second floor of an apartment building in Koganei City. I wonder what happened between a man and a woman who are 19 years apart in age.

What happened to a man and a woman 19 years apart? The suspect, Maruyama, stated that he was in a relationship with Yonemaru. They met at a restaurant where Ms. Yonemaru was working part-time, and they developed a relationship.

However, Mr. Maruyama has a wife and a young daughter. According to neighbors, he was a “good father” who took them to and from daycare and talked to them in a friendly manner. In other words, he was having an affair with Yonemaru-san,” said a reporter from a national newspaper.

I want to go out with him again.

It seems that Yonemaru was troubled by the idea of dating a man with a wife and child. She put a period to her relationship with the suspect Maruyama.

However, Maruyama was not able to break off his feelings for Yonemaru. On January 27, the day before his arrest, he visited Ms. Yonemaru at her apartment.

It seems that Maruyama wanted to continue his relationship with Yonemaru. On the day of the incident, he explained to the police that the reason he went to Yonemaru’s apartment was to talk to her about his desire to go out with her again.

Ms. Yonemaru refused Maruyama’s request, and an argument ensued. When Maruyama refused to get back together with her, he lost his temper and is believed to have killed her. Yonemaru’s neck was found to have been tightly clamped. In addition, there were several scratches on her face, as if she had been punched.

Perhaps the suspect was afraid that his own crimes would be exposed through his incoming call history and communication on the phone. The suspect took Yonemaru’s smartphone and left the scene.

However, Maruyama must have known that he could not escape. He drove straight to his home in Tama City, about 10 kilometers away. He told his wife that he and Yonemaru had been having an affair, but he killed her. Surprised, the wife called 110. When the police officers asked him to accompany them, Maruyama quietly complied.

Maruyama’s obsession with the young woman led him to commit an irreversible crime. No matter how much he wishes, Yonemaru will never come back.

  • Photo Naomi Nishimura/Afro

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