Why Prince Akihito Should Apply for Admission to the University of Tsukuba, No Matter What It Takes | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Why Prince Akihito Should Apply for Admission to the University of Tsukuba, No Matter What It Takes

Imperial Family Journalist Says He Wants to Make Friends for Life

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Prince Eugene when he graduates from Ochanomizu Elementary School in 2019. The imperial journalist’s drastic suggestion that he should enter fuzoku no matter what connections he has is nothing short of convincing (AFLO)

The reason why the imperial family journalist hopes for “whatever it takes.

On the 13th, Prince Akishino was seen at the entrance examination room of the high school attached to Tsukuba University. While it has been whispered for a long time that he would go to this high school, he proudly took the exam.

He is the one who will become the emperor in the future. No matter what connections he has, he should enter this school and study there.

Midori Watanabe, a journalist of the Imperial Household, said firmly, “This is a very good school.

It’s a very good school. It used to be Tokyo Bunri Kagaku Daigaku, then Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku, and now Tsukuba Daigaku, but since the time of Bunri Kagaku Daigaku, the word ‘fuzoku’ in Tokyo used to refer to this school.

There were many students who were not only good at their studies, but also smart and attractive as human beings. There was a rowing club and many athletic club activities. It was not flashy, but for those of us who grew up in Tokyo, it was a real prestigious school.

He should make friends at this school that he can keep for the rest of his life. I have heard some people say that if he wants to be a schoolmate, he should go to Gakushuin, but I wonder if the current Gakushuin has the ability to do that.

The current high school attached to Tsukuba University is also known for its liberal school culture. There are no uniforms. Not only academics, but also club activities are popular. The school does not announce the rankings of students in internal examinations. The students never know what grade they are in. The students enjoy a relaxed school life in the rich environment of the large campus.

This time, His Imperial Highness Prince Tomohito entered the Tsukuba University High School for the general entrance examination “Scholastic Aptitude Test,” but there is speculation that he may use the “Affiliated School System” with Ochanomizu University for Women, which he has attended since kindergarten. Under this system, students from the two schools will be exchanged and one student will be admitted from Ochanomizu to Chikuzuke without any examination. By the way, the entrance examination at the school is not an “exam” but an “inspection”. The school’s entrance exam is not an examination, but an inspection, because it is positioned as an academic test for the selection of applicants.

What you can gain is immeasurable!

There were many who questioned the use of the “partner school system,” saying that it was a loophole.

Even if it’s a loophole, it’s fine. Noriko has always been committed to the education of Prince Eugene. She became a researcher at Ochanomizu, sent him to a three-year kindergarten… This is the culmination of her efforts.

And I also think about this. It will be a great asset for us, the people, to have the future emperor study in a rich environment during his three years of high school. Spending those precious three years in a genuine “good environment” and making lifelong friends. To find a theme of “learning” to pursue for the rest of one’s life. All members of the Imperial Family are also researchers, and each of them has their own research theme.

In three years’ time, I will be taking the university entrance examinations. In the environment of Fuzoku, I might even be able to get into Tokyo University. It all depends on what I learn from here. I believe that during these important three years, more than anything else, his growth with good friends will surely have a positive impact on the entire nation.

Fifteen-year-old Prince Tomohito is facing his ordeal in the midst of a variety of “voices. I can only pray that his future will be bright.

Fuzoku is located in a quiet neighborhood in Tokyo’s Bunkyo Ward, close to Ochanomizu University, which he attended for 12 years. There is no announcement of grades, no uniforms… It is a prestigious school with a large site and a free school culture.
  • photo Reuters/Afro

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