Two reasons why Un-jash Watabe Chiba TV failed to make a comeback | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Two reasons why Un-jash Watabe Chiba TV failed to make a comeback

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Un-jash Watabe is set to make his comeback in “Black and White Un-jash” on February 15th. His wife Nozomi Sasaki also made a supportive comment, but…

On February 5, Ken Watabe of the comedy duo “Un-jash“, who had been refraining from performing, held a recording of his flagship show “Monochrome Un-jash” (Chiba TV) and announced that he had returned to work for the first time in about a year and seven months. He announced that he had returned to work for the first time in about a year and seven months.

On the official website of his agency, Watabe made a comment.

I would like to apologize once again for causing so much trouble to so many people due to my shallow actions.

His partner Kazuya Kojima also posted a video on his YouTube channel. One of them wore a suit and apologized for the trouble he caused to the people involved.

After apologizing for the inconvenience he caused to the people involved, he said, “Starting on February 15, the two of us will be back together as the Black and White Un-jash.

His wife Nozomi Sasaki also reported with a mysterious look on her face.

His wife Nozomi Sasaki also declared on her Instagram that she would “watch over my husband as he works hard from scratch. On the other hand

On the other hand, she also expressed her bitterness about the news reports, saying, “Many times, I felt unhappy about speculations and articles with untrue contents…

On the other hand, she also complained about the news reports.

The revelation of his affair with the multi-purpose toilet made him look like a “winner,” a “successful comedian,” a “gourmet king of the entertainment industry,” and a “top actress as his wife. The “winning” man was forced to suspend his activities overnight.

Finally, Chiba TV made a wise decision and gave Watabe a helping hand.

But at the same time, the public had growing doubts about Chiba TV. There are two reasons for this.

The first was that the day after the sports paper scooped the news of Watabe’s return, when we contacted Chiba TV again, the public relations officer said, “There is no such story.

“There is no such story.

The second reason is that when we contacted Chiba TV again the day after the sports paper broke the story, the public relations officer strongly denied it. Normally, the public relations department would have said, “We have nothing to announce at this time. The public was confused by this and wondered why he was lying.

I heard that the recording was originally scheduled to be finished on the 5th, and the office was going to announce his return on Monday, the 7th. But the information leaked out first and was written up in the sports papers.

In order to avoid a repeat of the past failure to return to work, Chiba TV was so determined not to leak the information that they may have made such a strong denial comment.

Watabe had previously appeared in “Downtown no Gaki no Tsukasa ya Arahende! (Wide show insider) Watabe was previously scheduled to make a surprise appearance in the “Downtown no Gaki no Tsukasa ya Arahende! It is said that Hitoshi Matsumoto was upset with the leaked information.

There were also reports that he might return to the show “Matrix no Iru Hourei Saisho” on the same station, but it turned out to be a mirage. However, what Chiba TV did could be seen as “lying” rather than “keeping a secret”.

There was one more thing that Chiba TV did not do well in assisting Watabe.

The station distributed a photo of the two Un-jash after the recording to the media, but for some reason, Kojima had his hands folded in front of him while Watabe had his hands behind his back.

‘In business, it’s considered rude to fold your hands behind your back. Some comments appeared on the Internet, such as “It looks as if Kojima is apologizing” and “Watabe looks like a big shot. It’s psychological. Psychologically speaking, wanting to hide your hands is a sign of “nervousness” or “hiding something”.

It’s possible that Mr. Watabe was so nervous that he turned white, so the staff could have just said, “Please don’t fold your hands behind your back. Or they should have replaced it with a different photo,” said an entertainment reporter.

However, bringing Watabe back first has more disadvantages than benefits in terms of viewership. I wonder what kind of comeback Watabe will make now that his partner and wife have allowed him to return to the show and Chiba TV has given him a chance.

  • PHOTO Sota Shima

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