The reality of a direct confrontation with Hikaru “the comedian who made fun of YouTube”. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

The reality of a direct confrontation with Hikaru “the comedian who made fun of YouTube”.

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Hikaru says he lost his temper with a comedian who made fun of YouTube. He wanted a direct confrontation, but…

“That was really creepy.”
What are you from Downtown?”

On February 4, the popular YouTube star Hikaru updated his YouTube channel.

In the video, he says, “I ate a Big Mac with some of my early friends and it brought out all my emotions.

In the video, he recalled how he was “mounted” by a certain mid-career comedian, A, and lost his temper.

In the past, Hikaru said that he had dinner with a certain mid-level comedian A who was brought to him by an acquaintance. In the TV world, there’s Downtown. He said, “In the TV world, there is Downtown.

Hikaru didn’t reveal his name, but he did say that A is an “arafour” and a “halfway decent” performer who is in the middle of the pack.

Hikaru says that he had to endure A’s sarcasm for an hour, as he knew someone who had brought A along. However, when he was asked to talk about other members on YouTube, he exploded his dissatisfaction with A as if he had broken a dam.

“You Tube is also used by big-name comedians like you and Emiko Kaminuma.

Don’t think that you can just mention Downtown’s name every time something happens. Don’t think you can just mention Downtown’s name every time something happens. I’ve never seen you guys together much.

A made fun of Hiroyuki Miyasako’s Miyagi beef, complained about the M-1 judges, and looked up to him from beginning to end. But when it came time to pay the bill, he said, “Thank you for the food,” and left.

Hikaru threw up on him, calling him “really weird” and “really dumb. He added

“You don’t know how long you’ll be a YouTube star, so you’d better make some money while you can.

“You don’t know how long you’ll be a YouTube star, so you’d better make money while you can.

“I’ll earn in two to three years what you’ll earn in 30 years.
“Don’t be stupid!

Don’t be stupid!” He was indignant.

In a video a while ago, Hikaru revealed that his assets had reached 10 billion yen. It’s hard to find a person who earns this much, even among the top comedians. And he’s only 30 years old. He was wondering if he should record it on the spot and release it to the public, but he decided not to do so to save face for his introducer.

He didn’t reveal A’s name, but said he would wait for him to contact him. He seems to be hoping for a direct confrontation. If this happens, it’s going to be a hot topic again.

(The sports reporter mentioned above.) Hikaru cursed Mount A in the video, saying, “I’ve never laughed at you. In the past, Hikaru has “said and done” a lot of things, so will he be able to do something this time as well? In the comments section, many people seem to be hoping for a confrontation with A, but what do we know?

  • PHOTO Shinji Hamasaki

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