Masu Taichi’s departure is a “Win-Win-Win” structure for him, NTV, and the production team | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Masu Taichi’s departure is a “Win-Win-Win” structure for him, NTV, and the production team

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Announcer Taichi Masu is leaving NTV at the end of March. He will continue to appear on “Bankisha”, but…

At the beginning of the recently reported Nippon Television Network Corporation’s “Truth Report: Bankisha! announcer Taichi Masu, the anchor, announced that he would be leaving the company at the end of March. He said he would become an assistant professor at a university.

Some of the staff were surprised, saying, “We found out on the day of the broadcast. I guess that’s how much they wanted to prevent information from leaking out.

On the same sixth floor as the staff room of “Bankisha! staff room on the 6th floor.

Masu continued, “I’m leaving, but I’ll continue to be the anchor of Bankisha! He explained to the viewers that he would be leaving the company but would continue to anchor “Banksha! The information program desk explained.

It’s the most ideal way to leave the station. When you go freelance, the station considers whether or not to let you continue with the program you were in charge of until then. In other words, they will pay you many times more than your salary.

This time, however, the station wanted to keep the program. Masu took over the baton from announcer Akira Fukuzawa in March last year. It seems that the station wanted to avoid replacing the host in a year, and also didn’t want to create a “second Hatori.

What is the “second Hatori”?

Before getting to the bottom of it, I asked him about the position of “Banksha! Before getting to the bottom of it, the information program desk mentioned above explains the position of “Banksha!

In 2008, “Banksha! made the mistake of broadcasting false testimony when it reported on the creation of slush funds by local governments. Normally, the program would have been shut down, but Nippon TV played the card of resigning the president and protected the program in exchange for his head. That’s how attached the station is to this program.

Since then, the program’s brand has recovered. The program’s brand has since recovered, and it has grown into a news program that can generate numbers (viewership ratings).

The ratings have remained strong, and the program has built a stronghold of high ratings for Nippon TV on Sunday nights by serving as a link to the previous program “Laugh Point”. The person responsible for this trend is the highly likable Masu Anna. Her announcing skills are high, and her humanity is also highly regarded, which has led to her continuing this time.

(The same information program desk) Masu has set her future as an assistant professor at a university, and hopes to become the “Akira Ikegami of science” in the future.

This is exactly what is important, that she has no intention of leaving the media world yet. If NTV were to let go of her, it would inevitably lead to a battle with rival stations for the highly popular “intellectual analyst” who is an assistant professor at a university. It’s like an upfront investment to prevent that from happening.

Shinichi Hatori, who left Nippon TV to become the morning face of TV Asahi, is currently enjoying high viewership ratings, and Teresa is closing in on Nippon TV’s annual and annual viewership ratings. NTV did not want a repeat of that, so they gave Masu a favorable treatment. I think it was a good move on NTV’s part.

It’s a plus for Masu, a plus for the station, and the production site of Bankisha! and the production site of Bankisha! It’s a win-win situation for all three parties.

  • PHOTO Yuri Adachi

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