Prime Minister Kishida’s “Prioritizing House of Councillors Election over Human Life” is the Cause of Defeat in Infection Explosion | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Prime Minister Kishida’s “Prioritizing House of Councillors Election over Human Life” is the Cause of Defeat in Infection Explosion

Why the 3rd Vaccination Hasn't Been Implemented and the Threat of New Mutant Variants

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The number of confirmed cases of the new corona infection in Japan easily exceeded 80,000 on March 28, and the third round of vaccinations has not progressed. The spread of the sixth wave of infection shows no signs of coming to a halt. In Tokyo, where the infection is spreading, Governor Yuriko Koike is said to be considering requesting the government to declare a state of emergency.

Prime Minister Kishida’s eyes are focused only on the LDP convention in March and the House of Councillors election in the summer. But now is the time to expect leadership that will face up to the exhausting lives of the people.

I don’t feel that Kishida is serious.

Even with the current situation, some within the LDP are beginning to criticize Prime Minister Fumio Kishida for his lack of seriousness in dealing with the new coronary heart disease, as shown by former Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, who “forgot to eat and sleep” in his efforts.

Prime Minister Kishida was not enthusiastic from the time of his election as president, saying, ‘The situation with coronas will be the same no matter who does it. Kan’s 1-day vaccination program for the elderly One million Prime Minister Kan ordered 1,000,000 vaccinations a day for the elderly, while Prime Minister Kishida ordered 80,000. 800,000 doses. Kishida said 800,000 doses would be enough. The precious time when the infection had calmed down was completely wasted,” said a former cabinet minister.

Is Prime Minister Kishida underestimating the fury of the Omicron Variant?

The situation is such that we no longer know when or where the infection occurred. The number of infected people is 1,000 in Tokyo. One in every 1000 people in Tokyo. The number of infected people is 1 in 1000 in Tokyo. In Tokyo, there is one infected person per 1000 people. The number of people infected is one in every 1,000 in Tokyo, and the number of people in close contact with the disease is one in every 100.

If all of them were to be quarantined or placed on house arrest, social life would become unsustainable. In fact, the number of “victims” is increasing day by day, even if they are not infected, such as restaurants that are cutting back on business, people who are losing their source of income due to reduced shifts, and people who are screaming due to nursery school closures. The power of the infection is already putting pressure on society.

But why has the government been so slow to take action?

Kishida said. Kishida said at the Liberal Democratic Party convention in March. “Kishida doesn’t want to make any mistakes in the run-up to the LDP convention in March and the upper house election in the summer. Former Prime Minister Kan’s desperate measures to deal with the corona were also criticized at the time. If that’s the case, he probably calculated that it would be best to sit back and do nothing. (A senior figure in the Liberal Democratic Party) (LDP leader)

Insufficient learning” and another “miscalculation

The spread of the disease has become so widespread that we suspect it is airborne.

The public health center has managed to maintain its functions by cutting back on operations. With the rapid increase in the number of infected people, free PCR tests are no longer available. The supply system of test kits is not up to the mark and the shortage will not improve for at least a month.

The government is requesting manufacturers to increase production of test kits as it will buy all of them, but it is not that easy. The government has asked the factories to 24 hours a day. But it is not that easy. The reagents used in the test kits can only be made by cultivating enzymes. It takes time.

This kind of miscalculation has been a problem since two years ago when the new corona was confirmed. The doctor testified that “when we tried to treat it, we couldn’t do anything” due to the lack of protective clothing, face shields, rubber gloves, masks and cotton swabs necessary for medical treatment.

The government made the same mistake again and again. The Kishida administration has not learned the lesson of the Kan administration in confronting an unidentified virus.

A new, even more mutated Variant of BA.2 The Threat of BA.2

It has been four months since Kishida took office. Four months after taking office, the Kishida administration was too slow to provide a vaccine. It also failed to prepare oral medication. It was too ignorant of the production system for test kits. Japan spent the miraculous “calm” period of infection in vain. There are more threats ahead,” said a doctor at a university research institute.

“There is a further threat ahead,” said a doctor at a university research institute, “a mutated Variant of BA.2 A new Variant called BA.2 has been detected in the Omicron Variant. The fourth vaccination has already been administered. It has already spread in Israel, where the fourth vaccination is underway. It is already spreading in Israel, where the fourth vaccination is underway, and there are signs of its spread in Denmark. Even after being infected with the Omicron Variant, the BA.2 If this happens, the Omicron Variant can be re-infected. If this is the case, after the infection of the Omicron Variant is over, a new variant of BA.2 The pandemic will continue in two waves. There could be two waves of pandemics in a row.

The BA.2 Variant cannot be identified by PCR testing. The WHO is expected to announce the name of the virus soon as a new variant of the new corona following the Omicron Variant. The virulence is said to be comparable to that of the Omicron, but the actual situation is still unknown. What is feared is that it is almost twice as virulent as the Omicron Variant.

As of the 27th, 42.8% of Tokyo’s hospital beds were occupied. If the rate reaches 50%, the government will consider requesting a declaration. Minister of Economic Revitalization Daishiro Yamagiwa, when asked about declaring a state of emergency in the midst of the rapid spread of the disease, said

When asked about declaring a state of emergency amid the rapid spread of the infection, Mr. Daishiro Yamagiwa, minister in charge of economic revitalization, said, “If the utilization rate of hospital beds reaches If the hospital bed utilization rate reaches 50 When asked about the possibility of declaring a state of emergency in the event that the hospital bed occupancy rate reaches 50 percent, Minister of Economic Revitalization Doshiro Yamagiwa responded, “We will not do it in a cut-and-dried manner, but will decide in consultation with the government.

We will make a decision through consultation.

This was a rather curt press conference in response to Governor Koike’s consideration of an emergency request. There was little awareness of the situation and no sense of urgency about the future outlook.

In other words, this is the basic stance of the Kishida administration, with the upper house election now in the offing. Declaring a state of emergency with restrictions on actions would be unpopular with the public, and any countermeasures would be doomed to failure. So the government is thinking that it would be better to do nothing.

Right now, Kishida has only the Upper House election in his mind. Elections take precedence over the lives of the people who are struggling in front of his eyes. What if such a dystopia is the true state of Japan today? We can only hope that the cries of the people on the ground will reach the administration.

  • Reporting and writing by Shutaro Iwashiro Photo: Yoshio Tsunoda/Afro Yoshio Tsunoda/Afro

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